Episode 1 recap: Ou Xiao An was rescued by the Expeditionary Force.

On a rainy night in the Lakaing Valley of Myanmar in 1945, a group of Japanese soldiers were chasing Ou Xiao An (played by Huang Jing Yu), a secret agent of the Chinese military intelligence in Chongqing. As they fled, one of them was shot and killed, and an injured comrade passed the code 9548 to Ou Xiao An, urging him to remember it.

The Chinese Expeditionary Force was clearing out the Japanese soldiers in the valley with the American troops. An American soldier accidentally stepped on a landmine, and the Expeditionary Force helped cut open his shoe and use a stone to hold it down, relieving him. However, they were then ambushed by Japanese soldiers hiding in the jungle, causing the landmine to explode. The two sides engaged in a fierce gunfight, with the Japanese luring the Expeditionary Force to the minefield and detonating the preburied mines, hoping to take them down together.

Qin Mo Qing (played by Xin Zhi Lei), a medical officer of the 38th Division of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, rushed to the scene and saw the horrific casualties. She first tended to the Chinese soldiers' wounds, but the angry American soldiers thought she should have treated them first. This led to a verbal dispute, with the American soldiers even drawing their guns on the Chinese soldiers. Qin Mo Qing tried to calm them down.

Suddenly, they heard voices from the nearby jungle and discovered a group of Burmese women. Following their directions, Qin Mo Qing found the unconscious Ou Xiao An. The American soldiers wanted to kill him, mistaking him for a Japanese soldier, but Qin Mo Qing prevented them, arguing that they should not kill a prisoner.

The American soldiers backed off, fearing court-martial, and left Ou Xiao An lying by the pond. That night, as the American soldiers celebrated their success in clearing the Japanese base in Burma, the American translator, Karl, invited Qin Mo Qing to drink and dance. When Karl refused to give Qin Mo Qing penicillin, she secretly switched his keys and stole the penicillin from the storage, also taking photos of the medical records, but was caught by the American soldiers.

The Expeditionary Force's chief of staff, Du Guolun, publicly criticized Qin Mo Qing in front of the American soldiers, privately questioning her identity and asking who she was working for. Qin Mo Qing told him to contact Chongqing, revealing that she was from the Chongqing military intelligence station. Du Guolun coldly warned her to follow the rules of the 38th Division and not abuse her position as a military intelligence officer.

When an American soldier fell ill and died in the American camp, the American doctor, Dr. Zheng, feared being blamed. Qin Mo Qing discovered the victim had full-body rashes, and when Karl angrily accused Dr. Zheng of killing the American soldier, Qin Mo Qing persuaded him to first investigate the cause of death, suspecting a viral infection, recalling the Burmese women from the previous night.

Suddenly, Karl himself fell ill, breaking out in rashes, but he still demanded the Chinese side take responsibility.

Qin Mo Qing isolated him and took people to find the Burmese woman from last night. They rushed to Aunt Li's house, only to find the woman had already died. They learned that the women had drunk water from Laka Valley, and suspected the water was poisonous. They rushed to find Ou Xiao An, hoping to understand the situation from him, and found he was still alive. Qin Mo Qing took it upon herself to bring him back to the military camp.

They discovered he had Japanese bullets on him. When Du Guolun found out, he thought Qin Mo Qing was being reckless. Qin Mo Qing reminded him not to forget the Japanese's biological warfare. Ou Xiao An's blood test results confirmed he was infected with a virus, but he did not have a rash. Qin Mo Qing recklessly drew blood to make a serum, but was stopped by Dr. Zheng. She had no choice but to first send the intelligence to the Chinese Communist underground party's Zhou Shun and also to the Nationalist intelligence agency Wen Yi Shan.

The Nationalist intelligence agency held a meeting. The deputy director of the Chongqing branch, Wei Qing Ming, was unhappy that Wen Yi Shan had reported it above his level. He believed that Da Qiao He Ye was eliminated by the agents he sent. He had the technical department's Feng Yunian send people to follow up in Burma. He deliberately emphasized in front of everyone that no one was allowed to make any covert moves behind his back.

After the meeting, Wei Qing Ming sent Mao Renxing to closely monitor Qin Mo Qing, knowing she was Wen Yi Shan's person. The secretary Miao Jiang believed the "Falling Cherry Blossom" plan's poison gas grenades were extremely powerful, and they should find and destroy them as soon as possible. Wei Qing Ming hinted to her that Dai Li wanted to find the poison gas grenades to use against the Chinese Communist underground party.

People in the American military camp were getting infected one by one, and Qin Mo Qing was also infected. She had no choice but to go find Ou Xiao An to draw blood again. She discovered he was suddenly speaking confusedly, mentioning "810", and recognized he was Chinese. In the secret Communist intelligence station of the Luo Shangyi Cheongsam Shop, Wang Qiushui (played by Dong Xuan) received the last customer, then closed the shop, suspecting that Da Qiao He Ye was not dead, and that Qin Mo Qing, the agent they had planted, was the code name "Ye Cao Comrade". Based on the information she had sent back, they confirmed the continuation of Japan's Far East plan, and they planned to beat the Nationalist intelligence agency in finding the Japanese biological warfare base.

Da Qiao He Ye was secretly conducting biological experiments. He learned that Ou Xiao An had been rescued by the Expeditionary Force, and feared he might leak the "810" plan, so he wanted them to experience the power of "810".

When Qin Mo Qing woke up, she found her symptoms had disappeared. She saw that Mao Renxing had been sent to follow up, and she looked disdainful of him and didn't want to bother.

She hurriedly discussed with Dr. Zheng, suggesting they immediately use Ou Xiao An's blood to make a serum, but they found Ou Xiao An had disappeared.