Episode 6 recap: Xia Guo fulfilled her wish and became Mr. Xue's assistant.

Xia Guo, who lived in a small town, also became unemployed. She realized that an ordinary life is not always smooth sailing. Yu Jian knew that Xia Guo was feeling down because of her unemployment, so he prepared a surprise for her at home. He was planning to propose to Xia Guo, hoping to give her a stable home and prevent her from drifting any longer.

Xia Guo accepted Yu Jian's proposal. When Yu Jian's parents learned about their plan to get married, Yu Jian's father was very happy, but his mother had concerns. Given the current situation at home, she didn't think it was the right time for them to get married. If Xia Guo moved into their home after marriage, others might think she was there to take care of the elderly.

However, Yu Jian's mother still wanted them to live separately. So she subtly suggested to Xia Guo that they should live in Xia Guo's previous house. Xia Guo understood what she meant, but she had already rented out her house on a long-term lease and couldn't just ask the tenant to leave. If Auntie felt it was inconvenient, Xia Guo decided to rent a place with Yu Jian. However, renting a place would be an additional expense, and Yu Jian's mother didn't want to spend that money since they already had a house.

Yu Jian's mother took matters into her own hands and went to see the tenants with a fruit basket, hoping to convince them to move out. However, the tenants had signed a three-year lease, paid their rent on time, and were about to have a baby. Moving wasn't an option for them. When Wang Yan found out about this, she called Xia Guo and scolded her. She couldn't understand why Xia Guo would marry a man who didn't have a house.

When Yu Jian learned about this, he also confronted his mother. He didn't want his mother to have any ideas about pressuring Xia Guo regarding the house. It was really difficult for two young people in love who wanted to get married. Yu Jian was worried that Xia Guo would be under pressure, so he constantly comforted her. Even when he was at the hospital with his father, he would call Xia Guo to assure her not to feel pressured about the house situation.

Xia Guo understood that no matter which path she chose in life, she would encounter various challenges. As long as she took each step seriously, she would find a way to solve problems. Xia Guo, who lived in Shanghai, fulfilled her wish of becoming Mr. Xue's assistant. However, she still belonged to the marketing department, and her performance was credited to the marketing department.

Mr. Xue decided to cultivate Xia Guo and arranged for her to attend business school. Attending classes on weekends wouldn't interfere with her work, and Mr. Xue would reimburse the tuition fees. Xia Guo decided to transfer the remaining balance in her bank account to Yu Jian to lighten his financial burden. She also told Yu Jian about becoming Mr. Xue's assistant. Yu Jian felt that Mr. Xue might have ulterior motives and advised Xia Guo to be cautious.

Yu Jian went to find his classmate Yi Ming and met Yi Ming's junior sister, Wen Ya. They decided to work on a project together. Yu Jian had strong business acumen, so there was no need to worry about compensation. However, Yu Jian and Wen Ya had differences in their design concepts, and they eventually parted ways.

At this time, Xia Guo was accompanying Mr. Xue to broaden her horizons in Shanghai. Under Mr. Xue's "guidance," she was gradually moving towards a different social class. She started interacting with people from the upper class, who would become her networking resources. Due to their work, Xia Guo and Mr. Xue spent a lot of time together, and Wen Ya and Yu Jian also frequently met. Their respective relationships were slowly undergoing changes.