Episode 1 recap: Xia GuoYu Jian decided to pursue development in Shanghai.

Xia Guo, a girl from Leshan, was leading a comfortable and happy life in her hometown. Her boyfriend, Yu Jian, was also a local resident. Early in the morning, Xia Guo brought breakfast to Yu Jian's house to meet him. After spending some sweet moments together, Xia Guo had breakfast with Yu Jian's parents.

Yu Jian was an interior designer, and he often drew portraits of Xia Guo. He had already drawn over three hundred portraits. After breakfast, he accompanied Xia Guo to her workplace. Xia Guo learned about the external assessment from her colleague. Since her colleague had personal matters to attend to and couldn't go, Xia Guo decided to give it a try. The colleague provided her with the relevant materials.

If she passed the assessment, not only would she have the opportunity to work in Shanghai, but she would also easily get a raise. The director of the marketing department in Shanghai came to inspect the work in Leshan, but he was actually there to hold someone accountable. They had received expired goods, and the manager wanted to pin the blame on Xia Guo. Fortunately, Director Chen, who was in charge of the marketing department, was astute and did not punish Xia Guo.

However, Xia Guo admired Director Chen's demeanor and presence; she greatly admired this powerful woman in the workplace. Xia Guo and Yu Jian had agreed to get married after Yu Jian turned 30, so Xia Guo wanted to earn more money during these few years for their future wedding.

In fact, Yu Jian was a bit worried about her. Before they could discuss it in detail, Xia Guo received a call about an incident at the factory. The workers had a dispute over the expired goods. Xia Guo tried to intervene and got pushed, injuring her hand. Despite the injury, she ignored the pain and proposed a solution. Director Chen happened to arrive and witnessed the scene. He heard Xia Guo's solution for dealing with the expired goods and was very satisfied, instructing her to proceed with resolving the issue.

Yu Jian came to pick Xia Guo up from work, and Xia Guo hoped that Yu Jian would join her in developing their careers in Shanghai. However, Yu Jian wasn't very keen on going. Later, after continuous pleading from Xia Guo, Yu Jian changed his mind and decided to compromise for the sake of their relationship. As a designer, once he made up his mind to go to Shanghai, he sent out his resume. Surprisingly, he received an interview invitation, but he didn't tell Xia Guo about it. He only mentioned that he had a business trip to Chengdu. Xia Guo didn't think much of it.

Later, after Yu Jian was accepted, he told Xia Guo the good news. Xia Guo was both surprised and moved by the news.

Yu Jian's mother found out about this and was very angry. She didn't want Yu Jian to leave her, especially since he had a stable job in a government agency. In his parents' eyes, it was a very good job, and they believed that it would be too difficult for him to leave his hometown and venture out.

Unable to find a solution, Yu Jian's mother went to the mahjong parlor to find Xia Guo's mother, Wang Yan. She didn't expect Wang Yan to be very supportive of Xia Guo going to Shanghai. Xia Guo and Yu Jian were having dinner, envisioning their life in Shanghai. However, Xia Guo received a call from the headquarters, informing her that she had failed the assessment and lost the opportunity to go to Shanghai. She was devastated. Moreover, since Yu Jian couldn't go to Shanghai because of her, he also decided not to go. This made Xia Guo even more heartbroken because Yu Jian gave up a coveted opportunity for her.

Xia Guo couldn't go to Shanghai, and her manager openly mocked her in front of the company. He even ordered her to buy alcohol for him, as Manager Wang simply wanted to showcase his authority. Xia Guo was still unwilling to live an ordinary life like this. She wanted to live an extraordinary life. So she took the initiative to approach Director Chen and expressed her desire to go to Shanghai.

Director Chen remembered her. He had seen Xia Guo's written test scores, and she didn't meet the requirements. However, Xia Guo's sincerity and desire touched Director Chen. He asked her to go back and prepare, hoping to meet her at the Shanghai headquarters on the 1st of next month. Finally, Xia Guo and Yu Jian could go to Shanghai, but as the departure date approached, a new unexpected event occurred. Yu Jian's father fell seriously ill and was hospitalized. They needed to carefully consider their future plans.