Episode 10 recap: Xia Guo is pregnant.

In a parallel timeline, Yu Jian's mother couldn't escape the fate of being deceived. To solve the difficulties at home, Yu Jian decided to take on a project for Yi Ming and design a flower shop for Wen Ya. Yu Jian's mother's younger sister blocked her at the door, demanding repayment of money. Xia Guo saw this and, in order to help Yu Jian's mother solve the problem, she was pushed down. Later, she pulled one of the aunts aside and whispered a few words to her, and they left.

During the pre-employment medical examination, Xia Guo discovered that she was pregnant. If she keeps the child, she won't be able to join the new company. When she returned to her residence, Xia Guo told Yu Jian about her pregnancy. Yu Jian was excited to become a father. However, Xia Guo didn't want the child. She didn't want her life to be tied down by a child and domestic responsibilities.

The two of them had an argument. Yu Jian shared his predicament with Yi Ming and Wen Ya. Wen Ya was understanding and offered to provide money as an advance payment for the project to help Yu Jian out. But Yu Jian didn't want to owe anyone any favors at the moment.

Yu Jian got drunk and had to return to his mother's house. The next day, Xia Guo went to the hospital for surgery. While Yu Jian was chatting with Xia Guo, his mother saw them. Yu Jian's mother scolded him harshly and demanded that he find Xia Guo, keep the child, and bring Xia Guo back; otherwise, he didn't need to come home.

Yu Jian ran to the hospital and saw Xia Guo. He thought there was no hope, but to his surprise, Xia Guo hadn't terminated the pregnancy. At the last moment, she couldn't bear to do it and decided to keep the child. Yu Jian was deeply moved, and he decided to listen to Xia Guo from now on. They decided to move so they could save on rent.

Yu Jian blamed himself for his incompetence, and he was extremely grateful for everything Xia Guo had done for him. Holding the marriage certificate, he vowed to Xia Guo that he would treat her well in the future and provide her with a bigger and better house. In their hometown, there were always people around to help. Yu Jian's classmates contributed money to help him, claiming it was for the child, but they still couldn't avoid the wedding expenses. Wen Ya also made an advance payment to help Yu Jian with his immediate needs.

On Xia Guo's side, there was good news as well. Her abilities stood out, so the company decided to hire her according to the original plan. Xia Guo and Yu Jian got married. All along, Xia Guo had compromised and made sacrifices to be with him, but now she finally achieved the results she desired.

However, Xia Guo seemed less fortunate in Shanghai. She was struggling on her own. When it rained, she opened the window and as a result, her house leaked. The landlord kindly contacted her and helped her deal with the water in the room. However, upon seeing the situation, the landlord didn't want to rent it out anymore. Even though the lease term hadn't ended, the landlord was willing to reduce the rent and hoped that Xia Guo would move out soon.

In the middle of the night, Xia Guo dragged her suitcase and couldn't find a taxi. She had no choice but to go to the previous bar because during that visit, she had become friends with the bartender, Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai also rented a house in Shanghai and was familiar with real estate agents, so she could help Xia Guo inquire. Later, Manager Xue arrived and found her, bringing Xia Guo back to his home.

Manager Xue even bought scented candles of the same kind as Xia Guo's, and if she didn't like it, she could exchange it for a different scent.