Episode 6 recap: Shen Dan Qing washed away the suspicion of being a mountain bandit.

While Shen Zi Shan was escorting the cargo, he discovered that he was being followed by Tianhao, the deputy general of Xu Cheng Feng. Seeing that Xu Cheng Feng didn't follow, he speculated that Xu Cheng Feng had gone to trouble Shen Dan Qing again. He entrusted the cargo to Qin Biaoshi and quickly returned to the Shen family.

On the other side, Shen Dan Qing was alone by the lake painting when Xu Cheng Feng specially came to find her. He asked Shen Dan Qing if she had his shoes. Shen Dan Qing did not deny having the shoes but did not admit going out the previous night. Xu Cheng Feng suspected that Shen Dan Qing was the female mountain bandit he was looking for, but she naturally wouldn't admit it.

Shen Dan Qing noticed that Xu Cheng Feng wanted to test her swimming ability. She took the opportunity to fall into the lake, pretending to sink to the bottom as if she couldn't swim. Xu Cheng Feng seized the moment and attempted to verify whether Shen Dan Qing really couldn't swim.

Shen Zi Shan hurriedly arrived and learned that his sister had fallen into the lake. Together with Xu Cheng Feng, they rescued the submerged Shen Dan Qing. Shen Zi Shan saw that Shen Dan Qing almost drowned and warned Xu Cheng Feng not to test her as a female bandit again. If anything happened to his sister next time, he wouldn't spare Xu Cheng Feng.

After this incident, Shen Zi Shan worried that Luo Ailian's desire for revenge would cost her life. However, Luo Ailian, who is now Shen Dan Qing, expressed that she wouldn't have survived if she didn't have revenge to support her. Shen Zi Shan believed that Luo Ailian had become Shen Dan Qing and now had family to accompany her, so revenge was not important.

But Shen Dan Qing stated that even without enemies, she still had family by her side, and she couldn't forget the heart-wrenching pain. Although Shen Zi Shan saved her life, if the other party didn't want her to seek revenge, it would be better to just take her life. Shen Zi Shan empathized with Luo Ailian's determination for revenge and chose to believe in her.

Luo Xue Er asked Luo Jizhou and learned that the female bandit who robbed the grain wore her hair in a bun. However, Luo Shuang Shuang had a burn on the back of her head from childhood, so she couldn't wear her hair in a bun. With this evidence, they could prove that Luo Shuang Shuang was not the female bandit.

Luo Xue Er organized the relevant testimonies and evidence and handed them to Xu Cheng Feng, hoping that he could investigate the matter thoroughly. Xu Cheng Feng, looking for a woman without any hair accessories in a bun, found that Shen Dan Qing once again fit the characteristics of the female bandit.

Xu Cheng Feng had Tianhao invite Shen Dan Qing to come to the outskirts of the northeastern city to assist in the investigation. In order to completely clear the suspicion, Shen Dan Qing had no choice but to agree to the appointment.

Xu Cheng Feng came to the outskirts of the northeastern city to investigate the traces left by the mountain bandits that day, but unexpectedly walked into an ambush set by the real female bandit. Although Xu Cheng Feng successfully evaded the ambush, he attracted the attention of the real Green Forest Bandits.

Facing the three Green Forest Bandits alone, Xu Cheng Feng was joined by Shen Dan Qing and Tianhao, who arrived at the outskirts of the northeastern city and decisively assisted him. During the fight against the female bandit, Shen Dan Qing was inadvertently captured and used as a hostage to threaten Xu Cheng Feng. In order to successfully capture the female bandit, Shen Dan Qing pretended to be unfamiliar with Xu Cheng Feng, intentionally creating a distraction and successfully diverting the attention of the female bandit. With Shen Dan Qing's help, Xu Cheng Feng managed to kill the female bandit.

Although Xu Cheng Feng followed the traces of the bandits and found the treasure map box lost by the Shen family, he discovered that the treasure map inside had disappeared. Now that Shen Dan Qing has completely cleared her suspicion as the female bandit, Xu Cheng Feng saw that she was injured and voluntarily sent her back to the Shen residence.

Shen Zi Shan was very worried when he discovered that Shen Dan Qing had been called away by Xu Cheng Feng, and he became furious when he learned that Shen Dan Qing was injured. Shen Dan Qing explained that it was an accidental encounter that led Xu Cheng Feng to find the real female bandit. Remembering that the real Shen Dan Qing had also been poisoned by the female bandit in the past, Shen Zi Shan decided to investigate the matter as well.

Upon learning that Luo Shuang Shuang had been released and returned home, Shen Dan Qing decided to let the Luo family members turn against each other first and then individually deal with them, ultimately reclaiming the Luo family's wine business from their hands. Because Luo Xue Er helped rescue Luo Shuang Shuang, Aunt Zhou began to approve of her.

Luo Jizhou also entrusted the daily affairs of Ganlu Hall to Luo Xue Er, which made Luo Shuang Shuang look down on her. In order to buy cosmetics for maintaining her appearance, Luo Xue Er even took away the money that the maid had for treating her younger brother's illness and wanted to drive the maid away, which caused hidden resentment in the maid's heart.

Luo Xue Er linked the events of Luo Shuang Shuang's framing and the recent damage to the Luo family's wine fermentation jars, suspecting that Shen Dan Qing was intentionally targeting the Luo family. Xu Cheng Feng spared the life of one of the Green Forest Bandits and interrogated him about the contents of the box, but the bandit claimed that after robbing the convoy that day, they found the box intact but the contents had disappeared.

Seeing the damaged lock of the box, Xu Cheng Feng speculated that both the bandits and the Shen family had been set up by someone else.