Episode 12 recap: Competition at the Shen Dan QingLuo Xue Er Winery.

Shui Xian tried to persuade Shen Dan Qing to lower the price of the winery's wine, but Shen Dan Qing was unwilling to do so. She believed that if she lowered the price, they would only incur greater losses. Luo Xue Er approached Shen Dan Qing and urged her to sell the Dan Qing Winery to her. In return, she offered to hire Shen Dan Qing at Gan Lu Tang as a saleswoman. In a fit of anger, Shen Dan Qing slapped Luo Xue Er.

Gan Lu Tang introduced a new product called "Rose Drunk." When Shen Dan Qing discovered this, she asked Lin Biaoshi to purchase a cask of the new Gan Lu Tang product for tasting. She found that this wine had a similar taste to the Rose Dew produced by the Dan Qing Winery. Shen Dan Qing recalled the recent incidents and speculated that Luo Xue Er's intention was to obtain the winemaking formula of the Dan Qing Winery.

Due to the launch of Gan Lu Tang's new product, the Dan Qing Winery had not received any orders for several days. Shen Dan Qing was unwilling to lower the price of the wine, as selling more would result in greater losses. She had no choice but to ask Shen Zi Shan for help in contacting some major customers. Xu Cheng Feng, who regarded Shen Dan Qing as a close friend, placed an order for 200 kilograms of Rose Dew from the Dan Qing Winery to reward the guards of his mansion during the festival.

Xu Cheng Feng's willingness to pay a high price for the wine demonstrated his trust in Shen Dan Qing's character and abilities. As a gesture of gratitude, Shen Dan Qing specially sent another independently brewed wine to Xu Cheng Feng for tasting.

Gan Lu Tang regained profitability thanks to the new product "Rose Drunk." Its profits in just a few days even surpassed the amount earned in January of the previous year. Luo Xue Er was very pleased to see the poor business of the Dan Qing Winery and became even more arrogant. Luo Xue Er went to the Dan Qing Winery to show off, and she even asked Shen Dan Qing to sell her own yeast and raw materials, considering the high demand for Gan Lu Tang's products.

To humiliate Shen Dan Qing, Luo Xue Er suggested that Gan Lu Tang buy the Dan Qing Winery and have Shen Dan Qing work there as a saleswoman. Unable to bear it any longer, Shen Dan Qing slapped Luo Xue Er. The two exchanged heated words and refused to back down. Luo Xue Er threatened that Shen Dan Qing should be prepared to lose everything.

Luo Xue Er, filled with resentment after being slapped, instructed someone to inform President Xia that all wine merchants were not allowed to purchase the yeast and raw materials from the Dan Qing Winery. She was determined to leave Shen Dan Qing with nothing. Luo Shuang Shuang, unwilling to stay in the estate for recuperation, wanted to return to the Luo family, but she was stopped by the servants sent by Luo Xue Er and even locked up in a room.

Shen Zi Shan returned with the escort and brought a large order from Meng, a prominent figure from a neighboring county. Upon learning this, Luo Xue Er quickly ordered the purchase of nearby yeast and raw materials, as she did not want to give Shen Dan Qing any chance to turn the situation around.

She even arranged for her subordinates to personally find Meng and inform him that Shen Dan Qing was incapable of delivering the goods, and that the Luo family was the leading winery in the entire Liaocheng. Luo Xue Er not only offered to sell the wine at a low price but also agreed to compensate Meng for the deposit paid to the Dan Qing Winery. Soon, Meng's order was taken away by Luo Xue Er, leaving Shen Dan Qing disappointed but not showing any abnormal behavior.

During the rainy season, Xu Cheng Feng specially escorted Shen Dan Qing back to her residence since she didn't have an umbrella. Although their initial impression of each other was not good, they gradually appreciated each other through their interactions.

Shen Zi Shan felt a bit uneasy when he saw Xu Cheng Feng personally escorting his sister back home and witnessed their intimacy. He asked his sister about her impression of Xu Cheng Feng and heard Shen Dan Qing describe Xu Cheng Feng as a trustworthy close friend. This reassured Shen Zi Shan.

Xu Cheng Feng learned from Tian Hao that the reports sent by Lv Zhu to Yi Qin Wang were all irrelevant daily trivial matters. He didn't care about those messages and instructed Tian Hao and Lv Zhu to maintain a good relationship. Lv Zhu, following Xu Cheng Feng's instructions, took special care of Tian Hao, who had caught a cold. Although Tian Hao was wary of Lv Zhu's identity as a spy, he enjoyed being taken care of.

To prevent Shen Dan Qing from having any chance to catch her breath, Luo Xue Er used all the money in the accounts to purchase yeast and raw materials. However, to her surprise, many customers came to return the wine. It turned out that Shen Dan Qing had seen through Luo Xue Er's intentions and intentionally let her steal the Rose Dew formula. However, Shen Dan Qing deliberately omitted some steps in the formula, and the most crucial aspect of Rose Dew was the storage time. The current rainy season significantly shortened the wine's storage time, causing the wine sold by Luo Xue Er to spoil and be returned by customers.

At the same time, Luo Xue Er also realized that she had been deceived by Shen Dan Qing. In order to stabilize the situation, she promised to refund the customers for the spoiled wine three days later. When Shen Dan Qing learned that Luo Xue Er had promised to refund the customers, she was puzzled about where Luo Xue Er got the money and instructed Shui Xian to closely monitor Luo Xue Er's every move.

The information broker arranged a meeting between Shen Zi Shan and Xu Cheng Feng to share some clues she had discovered. Shen Zi Shan and Xu Cheng Feng rushed to the inn only to find the information broker assassinated by a poisoned weapon in her room. Shen Zi Shan noticed that the silver needle used on the information broker was identical to the one Shen Dan Qing was targeted with in the past, leading him to suspect that the same culprit responsible for the imperial escort case was behind this.