Episode 10 recap: Luo Xue Er monopolized the wealth of the Luo family.

Luo Xue Er told Aunt Zhou that once the heat died down, she could rescue her from prison with two hundred thousand taels of silver. Aunt Zhou believed that the Luo family's fortune would be enough to gather the required amount and save herself. Aunt Zhou told Luo Xue Er the location where she had hidden gold and silver treasures. Luo Xue Er went alone to dig them up, but she had no intention of rescuing Aunt Zhou and instead wanted to keep the wealth for herself.

Taking the opportunity of delivering pastries to Xu Cheng Feng, Lv Zhu secretly overheard Tian Hao reporting that the target person would appear at the dilapidated temple in the outskirts of the city tonight. They decided to capture them all at once. Lv Zhu sneaked into the temple at night, but she observed nothing unusual despite keeping watch all night.

Lv Zhu returned to the general's mansion and once again heard Tian Hao report the intelligence. He mentioned that they would continue to wait at the dilapidated temple tonight, so Lv Zhu decided to keep surveillance again. As soon as Lv Zhu left, Tian Hao and Xu Cheng Feng exchanged a smile. It turned out that their plan was mainly to mislead Yi Qin Wang by having Lv Zhu deliver false news of a vacation.

Yi Qin Wang knew that the news brought by Lv Zhu was false, but he sent her to be by Xu Cheng Feng's side to make Xu Cheng Feng lower his guard. He knew that Lv Zhu would not obtain genuine information and only hoped that she could gather some information from Xu Cheng Feng's casual remarks, such as his mood or the people he met. This information could be used to manipulate him.

Shen Dan Qing came to the general's mansion to find Xu Cheng Feng. Lv Zhu personally made pastries and gave them to Xu Cheng Feng to taste. She even acted affectionate towards Xu Cheng Feng in front of others. Xu Cheng Feng didn't want anyone to misunderstand, so he quickly had Tian Hao take Lv Zhu away.

Xu Cheng Feng explained that Lv Zhu was a secret pawn he brought in to deceive Yi Qin Wang, and he had no personal feelings for her. Shen Dan Qing was not concerned about their relationship. On the contrary, she suggested that Xu Cheng Feng use his charm to make Lv Zhu fall in love with him. Only then would Lv Zhu reveal Yi Qin Wang's secrets.

Although Xu Cheng Feng considered himself incredibly charming, he despised using such tactics. Shen Dan Qing came to the general's mansion to discuss the next steps of the investigation plan with Xu Cheng Feng. Xu Cheng Feng praised Shen Dan Qing, saying that while she may not possess the gentle and graceful demeanor of an ordinary woman, she had a decisive and resolute style, with a vision and perspective that surpassed most men.

Xu Cheng Feng couldn't understand how Shen Dan Qing, as the daughter of a escort agency, had become so different through her experiences. Shen Dan Qing was surprised that Xu Cheng Feng seemed to know her past without her disclosing it, but she was unwilling to be open about her own history.

Shen Dan Qing saw in Xu Cheng Feng's study that he had kept the jade pendant left by Luo Ai Lian. She was grateful that someone still remembered Luo Ai Lian and was reminded of her past, which saddened her. She had to excuse herself and leave the general's mansion, claiming to feel unwell.

Shen Zi Shan asked Shen Dan Qing about her troubles and assured her that she could be anyone by her side, and he would always accompany her. Shen Dan Qing expressed her gratitude to Xu Cheng Feng but promised never to reveal her identity secret.

Luo Shuang Shuang was scared of thunder and came to seek comfort from Luo Xue Er late at night. She missed Aunt Zhou and hoped that Luo Xue Er could find a way to rescue her soon. Luo Xue Er reassured Luo Shuang Shuang and decided to send her to recuperate in the outskirts the next day, while she would figure out a way to rescue Aunt Zhou.

Luo Xue Er visited Aunt Zhou in prison and learned from her that the magistrate Bai had a message: once the heat died down, with two hundred thousand taels of silver, she could gain her freedom. Aunt Zhou believed that the Luo family's fortune would be enough to gather the required amount and save herself. She revealed the location where the Luo family had hidden gold and silver treasures and asked Luo Xue Er to use them to redeem her.

Luo Xue Er wanted to make the deceased Luo Ji Da see how the stepdaughter he once despised gradually took over the Luo family. She went alone to the Luo family's burial site and dug up the gold and silver treasures mentioned by Aunt Zhou. In addition, Luo Xue Er unexpectedly discovered a spring at the burial site, which made her extremely happy.

Lv Zhu came late at night to deliver delicacies to Xu Cheng Feng. Tired of her presence, Xu Cheng Feng decided to knock her unconscious and ordered Tian Hao to guard him. Shen Zi Shan rented a shop across from Ganlu Tang and gave it to Shen Dan Qing. He knew that Shen Dan Qing liked brewing wine and supported her in opening a winery.

Now that the Luo family winery was in Luo Xue Er's hands, Shen Dan Qing wanted to take it back. Upon seeing the newly opened Dan Qing Winery across from Ganlu Tang, Luo Xue Er privately approached the landlord. The landlord deliberately claimed that Shen Dan Qing's renovations were damaging the Feng Shui, demanding compensation from her. Shui Xian saw Xu Cheng Feng on the street and intentionally sent the landlord to the general's mansion to collect money, falsely claiming that Shen Dan Qing was Xu Cheng Feng's beloved. Shen Dan Qing was surprised to find Xu Cheng Feng appearing behind her and even went along with Shui Xian's words, admitting her admiration for Shen Dan Qing. The landlord, seeing that Shen Dan Qing was indeed Xu Cheng Feng's beloved, quickly gave up on the compensation.

Shen Dan Qing learned from the landlord that Luo Xue Er was behind this scheme and decided not to trouble the landlord. She thanked Xu Cheng Feng for his cooperation, and their banter revealed some genuine feelings. Xu Cheng Feng deliberately stayed behind to help Shen Dan Qing with the renovations.