Episode 15 recap: Yi Qin Wang forces Shen Dan Qing into marriage.

In order to help Shen Zi Shan retrieve the last half of the antidote, Shen Dan Qing specifically came to seek Yi Qin Wang's help. Yi Qin Wang uses the antidote as a reason to make Shen Dan Qing become his concubine. Shen Dan Qing agrees to this condition in order to repay the Shen family's favor. Unable to bear seeing Shen Zi Shan in a half-dead state, she decides to demand the other half of the antidote from Yi Qin Wang. Xu Cheng Feng intervenes in time, expressing that Yi Qin Wang is more cunning and strategic than ordinary people, and now that lives are at stake, they must carefully plan each step.

The reason Yi Qin Wang acts this way is because both the Shen family and Xu Cheng Feng know that he has the treasure map. With Shen Zi Shan in a half-dead state, they can be cautious. Although Yi Qin Wang has obtained the treasure map, he has not fully understood its mysteries, so he acts with caution.

Through this incident, Yi Qin Wang becomes even more certain that Xu Cheng Feng cares deeply about Shen Dan Qing. In his view, the other half of the antidote may be very useful. Shen Dan Qing thinks of how good Shen Zi Shan has been to her and realizes that meeting Shen Zi Shan was her lucky encounter. He has given her a second chance at life, and she hopes that he can live a healthy life.

Shen Dan Qing comes alone to find Yi Qin Wang and is willing to exchange for the other half of the antidote under any conditions. Yi Qin Wang requests that Shen Dan Qing become his concubine and gives her one day to think it over.

Xu Cheng Feng has been searching for clues to the other half of the antidote for half a day without success, and he blames himself for being powerless. He tries to drown his sorrows in alcohol. He thought that although he may not have the ability to protect everyone on the battlefield, he was confident that he could protect those around him off the battlefield. But now, Baishitong, Lv Zhu, and Shen Zi Shan have all encountered trouble, which greatly frustrates Xu Cheng Feng.

Shen Dan Qing's gaze reminds Xu Cheng Feng of Luo Ailian, who was also killed because he failed to rescue her in time. He feels a great deal of self-blame for that. Shen Dan Qing looks at the unconscious Xu Cheng Feng and doesn't want to involve him further in the affairs of the Shen family. She knows that Xu Cheng Feng has already done his best to help.

As the true Luo Ailian, she has never blamed Xu Cheng Feng. Looking at the unconscious Xu Cheng Feng, Shen Dan Qing can't hide her feelings and kisses him voluntarily. Yi Qin Wang personally goes to the Shen family to welcome Shen Dan Qing as his bride. On the other hand, Shen Dan Qing has also decided to kill Yi Qin Wang at the wedding, believing that as long as Yi Qin Wang is dead, no one can stop Xu Cheng Feng from finding the treasure map, and Shen Zi Shan can also avenge her sister.

Shen Dan Qing appeared as promised in her wedding dress and requested that Yi Qin Wang fulfill his promise of giving the antidote to Shen Zi Shan. Shen Dan Qing showed no joy, but she honestly admitted that she was not someone who would take her own life. Instead, she would bring her enemies down with her. Yi Qin Wang showed no fear of Shen Dan Qing's attitude and openly confessed that he liked taming someone as spirited as her.

Just as Shen Dan Qing was about to marry Yi Qin Wang as his concubine, Xu Cheng Feng hurriedly arrived upon hearing the news. He tried to stop the wedding, claiming that Shen Dan Qing was not willing to marry of her own accord. Xu Cheng Feng pointed his sword at Yi Qin Wang, openly opposing him, and took Shen Dan Qing away in front of everyone.

Zong Wei led a group of people to chase after Xu Cheng Feng. After Xu Cheng Feng repelled Zong Wei and the others, he quickly left with Shen Dan Qing. Shen Dan Qing injured her shoulder during the journey, and Xu Cheng Feng took the opportunity to help apply ointment to her wound. Unexpectedly, he discovered a lotus flower tattoo on Shen Dan Qing's upper back, which she explained was the scar left from a previous injury.

Xu Cheng Feng was angry because Shen Dan Qing had taken the initiative to marry Yi Qin Wang, feeling that she didn't trust him at all. Shen Dan Qing was both angry and frustrated that Xu Cheng Feng misunderstood her, but she also made it clear that she would not marry Yi Qin Wang. She was waiting for Yi Qin Wang to hand over the antidote so that they could perish together.

She didn't want to involve Xu Cheng Feng, and she never expected him to come and take her away. Xu Cheng Feng blamed himself for not telling Shen Dan Qing about his speculation earlier, but he was simply afraid that something would happen to her.

It turned out that Xu Cheng Feng had guessed that Zong Wei had placed the antidote back at the pharmacy. He and Tian Hao returned to the pharmacy and coincidentally saw Zong Wei's men coming to move the antidote. As a result, Xu Cheng Feng successfully obtained the antidote. However, at that time, Xu Cheng Feng was worried that his speculation might be incorrect, so he didn't inform Shen Dan Qing in advance, which led to today's situation where Shen Dan Qing was willing to marry Yi Qin Wang in exchange for the antidote.

Xu Cheng Feng admitted that he cared a lot about Shen Dan Qing. Now, between the two of them, Shen Dan Qing was bleeding for Xu Cheng Feng, and he bandaged her wounds. Xu Cheng Feng jokingly suggested that Shen Dan Qing offer herself to him as a way of expressing gratitude.