Episode 19 recap: Xu Cheng Feng recognized Luo Ai Lian.

Luo Xue Er shared her speculation with Du Ying Er, suggesting that the person burned to death in the ancestral hall that day was not Luo Ai Lian but Bin Er. Xu Cheng Feng probed Shen Dan Qing's identity and realized that Shen Dan Qing might actually be Luo Ai Lian. Shen Zi Shan violently attacked Xu Cheng Feng, believing that Xu Cheng Feng had no understanding of Luo Ai Lian. However, Shen Zi Shan never expected that Luo Ai Lian's affection would be directed towards Xu Cheng Feng.

Shen Dan Qing shared the method of brewing the authentic "Moonlit Encounter" wine with Mr. Ouyang as a gesture of gratitude. In return, Mr. Ouyang presented them with a treasured travel painting he had kept for many years, suggesting that the painting might contain clues to the development solution. Mr. Ouyang trusted Shen Dan Qing and decided to give her the painting because he perceived her as a person of genuine intentions.

Du Ying Er discovered the ancestral tablets of the Luo family being worshipped by Shen Dan Qing, while Shen Zi Shan had been constantly trying to send Du Ying Er away, as if afraid that she would discover something. Du Ying Er sensed that something was amiss and informed Luo Xue Er about Shen Dan Qing's worship of the ancestral tablets of Luo Ji Da and Bin Er. From this, Luo Xue Er speculated that Luo Ai Lian might still be alive and that the person who was burned to death in the ancestral hall that day could be Bin Er.

Luo Xue Er asked Du Ying Er if she had ever seen a burn victim at the Shen family's residence, and Du Ying Er recalled the burn scars she had once noticed on the back of Shen Dan Qing's neck. Based on this, Luo Xue Er speculated that the real Shen Dan Qing had long since passed away due to illness, and the person appearing before Du Ying Er now might be Luo Ai Lian.

Luo Xue Er instructed Du Ying Er not to trust the words of the Shen family from that moment on and to find an opportunity to verify their speculations. Xu Cheng Feng and Shen Dan Qing bid farewell to Mr. Ouyang and left. Along the way, Xu Cheng Feng questioned Shen Dan Qing again about why she brewed "Moonlit Encounter." Subsequently, Xu Cheng Feng returned the jade pendant that belonged to Luo Ai Lian to her, claiming that it was only right.

Xu Cheng Feng discovered burn scars on the back of Shen Dan Qing's neck, further strengthening his suspicion that she was Luo Ai Lian. Faced with questioning, Shen Dan Qing could not deny it, but Xu Cheng Feng felt empathy for Luo Ai Lian's past and told Shen Dan Qing that she no longer needed to pretend in front of him in the future.

Shen Dan Qing didn't want Xu Cheng Feng to be burdened by her identity, but Xu Cheng Feng wanted to protect Shen Dan Qing better and stated that he would not let go, regardless of whether she was Shen Dan Qing or Luo Ai Lian.

Xu Cheng Feng expressed deep feelings for Shen Dan Qing and vowed to stand in front of her no matter what happens in the future. Shen Zi Shan, seeing Shen Dan Qing and Xu Cheng Feng return together, couldn't help but feel jealous.

Xu Cheng Feng informed Shen Zi Shan that they had obtained clues to the development solution and then showed him the painting. Both the treasure map and this painting were crafted by the skilled artisan Zhou You during the Southern Dynasty. Shen Dan Qing wanted to investigate where Zhou You had been before, as the painting might depict the scenery of that place.

After discussing the search for the development solution, Shen Zi Shan asked Shen Dan Qing to rest in her room, and then he punched Xu Cheng Feng. Shen Zi Shan felt even more resentful upon learning that Xu Cheng Feng had already known Luo Ai Lian's secret. He couldn't understand why Shen Dan Qing would prefer Xu Cheng Feng when he had been the one accompanying her through the long night.

Xu Cheng Feng expressed that love is not fair, and there is no reason for Shen Dan Qing to like him. He hoped that Shen Zi Shan would let go of the incident after venting his anger and that they could continue to be good brothers. Shen Dan Qing went to see Ying Er, who was feeling unwell, but she was denied entry by Ying Er.

Shen Dan Qing revealed her identity and her promise to marry Xu Cheng Feng after everything was over to Shen Zi Shan. Now that Shen Zi Shan was her brother, she sought his approval. Shen Zi Shan told Shen Dan Qing to do what she wanted, and he would always support her as her brother.

Yi Qin Wang returned to Luocheng from the capital and learned from Zong Wei that Xu Cheng Feng and Shen Dan Qing had gone on a trip to search for the development solution. He ordered his men to quickly search for clues about the development solution. Upon hearing that Shen Zi Shan had revealed that Shen Dan Qing was adopted by the Shen family, Yi Qin Wang became curious about the relationship between Shen Zi Shan, Shen Dan Qing, and Xu Cheng Feng. He commanded Zong Wei to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Shen Zi Shan drowned his sorrows in alcohol due to the emotional turmoil. Yi Qin Wang saw the intoxicated Shen Zi Shan in a tavern and took advantage of the situation to obtain Shen Zi Shan's seal. He planned to use the relationship between Shen Zi Shan, Shen Dan Qing, and Xu Cheng Feng to plot against Xu Cheng Feng and cause his demise.

Xu Cheng Feng received a confidential report that the Emperor had learned about the loss of important evidence in the treasure map case in Luocheng. Furthermore, someone had accused Xu Cheng Feng of neglecting his duties. The Emperor ordered Xu Cheng Feng to find crucial clues in the treasure map case within ten days.

Realizing that someone close to him had accused him, Xu Cheng Feng suspected that he had been betrayed. Yi Qin Wang found Shen Zi Shan and revealed that he had written an accusation against Xu Cheng Feng on a blank sheet of paper with Shen Zi Shan's seal. He handed the paper to the Emperor.

Now that Shen Dan Qing and Xu Cheng Feng would no longer trust Shen Zi Shan, Yi Qin Wang persuaded Shen Zi Shan to cooperate with him, promising to restore the honor of the Shen family. However, Shen Zi Shan scorned such despicable acts and firmly rejected Yi Qin Wang's offer of cooperation.

Shen Zi Shan returned home and overheard Xu Cheng Feng and Shen Dan Qing discussing the matter. He voluntarily admitted that he was the "traitor" who had been manipulated by cunning Yi Qin Wang to forge false testimony against Xu Cheng Feng. Xu Cheng Feng stated that they all believed in Shen Zi Shan, and they would never betray or doubt each other.

Shen Dan Qing intentionally bought candied hawthorns for Ying Er to eat. In order not to arouse suspicion, Ying Er had to behave normally in front of Shen Dan Qing. Then, Ying Er expressed her desire to see how Shen Dan Qing brewed wine before leaving and accompanied her to the Danqing Winery.

From Shen Dan Qing's wine tasting habits, Ying Er noticed that they were indeed consistent with Luo Xue Er's description of Luo Ai Lian's habits.