Episode 8 recap: Tianxing Gorge fights side by side.

Ning Yuan Zhou felt they would definitely be caught up with. There was no escaping this tough battle. Ruyi wanted to borrow two hand grenades from Yuan Lu and use them proactively. She rode a horse and used the grenades to blow up the mountain Zhou Jian was coming from, hoping to buy some time. Ning Yuan Zhou looked at the map and decided not to go to Suzhou but directly to Tianxing Gorge. Zhou Jian and his men numbered a thousand, while the mission only had sixty people capable of fighting, excluding the princess and Master Du, who didn't possess any martial arts skills. Therefore, they needed to split their forces, and Zhou Jian's men would naturally pursue them.

Ning Yuan Zhou remembered that he had been to Tianxing Gorge ten years ago with his adoptive father. It was about three hundred zhang long, but the narrowest part was only two zhang wide, allowing only four horses to pass through at the same time. As long as they set an ambush there, they could cut off Zhou Jian's troops. It was not impossible to achieve victory in a battle where the odds were against them. Ruyi wondered why Ning Yuan Zhou agreed to the battle, considering the countless casualties that would result. Ning Yuan Zhou believed that as the leader, he could only make his brothers' deaths meaningful in unavoidable situations. Only by doing so could they prevent any further obstacles from the Prince of Danyang.

Ruyi asked Ning Yuan Zhou what he would do. Seeing Ning Yuan Zhou hesitate, Ruyi felt that they were companions. Seeing Ruyi's serious expression, Ning Yuan Zhou allowed her to go and kill Zhou Jian. Everyone became busy with their preparations.

Yang Ying also wanted to stay, but Ruyi thought it would be better for Yang Ying to witness the grand scene in Anguo. Ning Yuan Zhou wanted to poison Zhou Jian's army by putting poison in the water, thereby weakening his forces by thirty percent. However, Zhou Jian realized Ning Yuan Zhou's scheme and decided to continue advancing.

Zhou Jian encountered a mechanism along the way and suffered heavy losses. The army was thrown into disarray, and Zhou Jian was forced off his horse. Yuan Lu, Yu Shi San, and Sun Lang all joined the battle, and Ruyi did her best to get close to Zhou Jian and kill him.

Qian Zhao was trapped, and Ruyi went to rescue him. In the process, Ruyi was accidentally hit and spat out blood. Yuan Lu hurriedly came to her aid. Yang Ying was pursued by enemy troops, but Master Du shot and saved him with a sword when he was in a critical situation. Master Du couldn't accept the fact that, as a civil official, he had taken someone's life.

Realizing that the situation was unfavorable, Zhou Jian wanted to retreat. Ruyi and Ning Yuan Zhou coordinated perfectly, which made Zhou Jian very afraid. However, Zhou Jian's army had a perfect layout, and Ruyi couldn't break through for the time being. Seeing their comrades surrounded, Ning Yuan Zhou also felt uneasy and wanted to break free as soon as possible. He decided to cover Ruyi's advance and kill Zhou Jian. Facing a formidable enemy, Ning Yuan Zhou and his men were clearly exhausted.

Ruyi felt it was necessary to take down Zhou Jian immediately, or else they would all die. She asked Ning Yuan Zhou to help her, but he believed Ruyi didn't need to risk her life for this cause. Ruyi used the condition of Ning Yuan Zhou helping her as a trade-off for not having children, which stunned him. Seizing the opportunity, Ruyi leaped over, approached Zhou Jian, and together with Ning Yuan Zhou, demanded the retreat of Zhou Jian's forces.

Yang Ying was delighted that they had won, and the soldiers and generals were also jubilant, cheering all around. However, Yuan Lu suddenly felt unwell and fainted. Qian Zhao administered acupuncture for him. After the war, there were casualties everywhere, and Yang Ying felt a bit uneasy seeing the injured guards. Ruyi felt that the Zhu Yiwei force was quite large and believed they needed to strengthen their defenses.

Ruyi found Yuan Lu's illness strange. Ning Yuan Zhou told her that Yuan Lu had poor health and had to take pills every day, and he might not live past twenty years old.

Ning Yuan Zhou didn't understand why Ruyi was acting that way, but he thought it was a bit troublesome yet still good. When Ning Yuan Zhou heard that Ruyi was injured, he became very nervous. He asked Master Du to replace Yang Ying in meeting the governor. Yang Ying felt like a burden and wanted Ruyi to teach him how to kill. Ruyi told Yang Ying that if he stabbed her 300 times with a knife, he might learn how to kill.

When Ruyi heard that Yuan Lu needed fresh snake gall, she decided to go find the medicine for him. Yu Shi San volunteered to accompany Ruyi to find the silver snake. After meeting the governor, Master Du sighed and said he didn't want to encounter such things in the future. Ning Yuan Zhou thought it was impossible, and Master Du didn't expect that they would already face bloodshed before reaching Anguo.

Ning Yuan Zhou was worried when he learned that Ruyi went to find medicine for Yuan Lu. Qian Zhao told Ning Yuan Zhou to rest assured and said that having him here was enough. Ning Yuan Zhou hurriedly went to find Ruyi, and Qian Zhao was deeply concerned about Yuan Lu, showing such expression only when there was no one around.

Ruyi searched for a long time but couldn't find the silver ringed snake. She wanted to go to another place to look. It was getting light, and Ruyi wanted to catch some mice to lure the snake out of its hole. But the snake was very sensitive, and Ruyi accidentally fell while trying to catch it. Ning Yuan Zhou saved Ruyi in a critical moment but sprained his foot. Yu Shi San left them behind and went ahead.

Ruyi asked Ning Yuan Zhou to help her check her injury. Ning Yuan Zhou felt a bit embarrassed, and Ruyi realized it and thought she should have taken a bath in front of him earlier. Ruyi noticed that Ning Yuan Zhou was poisoned and took the initiative to treat his injury, and they fell asleep leaning against each other.

When Ruyi woke up, she felt that it was beautiful like this. Ning Yuan Zhou was delighted to see Ruyi's happy expression and was deeply attracted to her. When he saw Ruyi picking flowers for him, he was stunned and felt that Ruyi had suddenly changed, making him a little uncomfortable. Ruyi felt that there were many good men in the world and she didn't lack Ning Yuan Zhou. Qian Zhao teased Ning Yuan Zhou, saying that his cousin no longer wanted him, which must feel unpleasant.

Yuan Lu was very grateful to Ruyi for saving him. Ning Yuan Zhou felt a bit uncomfortable when he saw Ruyi giving flowers to Yuan Lu.