A Journey to Love

Plot Synopsis

"A Journey to Love" tells the legendary adventure story of apassionate small team led by Ren Ru Yi and Ning Yuanzhou, traveling from Wu Du to An Du, overcoming obstacles and fighting side by side.

Ren Ru Yi, the former Left Envoy of the Crimson Robe, fakes his death and infiltrates Wu Du, where he unexpectedly meets Ning Yuanzhou, who used to be the Vice Master of the SixPaths Hall. Ning Yuanzhou, who returned from the battlefield, only wants to live apeaceful life in the countryside. However, in order toprove his innocence to his former colleagues and retuto the SixPaths Hall, he embarks on a journey to save the country. They gather a groupofpeople, including Yu Shisan, Yuanlu, Qian Zhao, and Sun Lang, to escortPrincess Yang Ying, who disguises herself as a man, on a diplomatic mission.

Inpursuit of the truth behind the death of the Empress Zhaojie, who was their benefactor, Ren Ru Yi and Ning Yuanzhou form apartnershipand join the others on the journey to An Du. This diverse groupofpeople forms an impromptu team and embarks on a road tripadventure with an uncertain future.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-4
  • 5-8
  • 9-12
  • 13-16
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-28
  • 29-32
  • 33-36
  • 37-40

Cast & Role

Xiao Yan

Xiao Yan
(Chen Du Ling)

Chu Gui Fei

Chu Gui Fei
(Chen Xiao Yun)

Yu Shi San

Yu Shi San
(Fang Yi Lun)

Ning Yuan Zhou

Ning Yuan Zhou
(Liu Yu Ning)