Episode 36 recap: Yuan Lu rushed to Andu with reinforcements.

In this season of heavy snowfall, walking was difficult, let alone riding a horse. However, Yuan Lu was fully aware of his responsibility and felt the urgent need to hasten to Andu to deliver the message and save everyone. He tirelessly traveled day and night, without stopping, which took a toll on his already weak body. Eventually, he couldn't hold on any longer and started coughing up blood. Yuan Lu knew deep down that the reason Yu Shi San assigned him this task was to keep him away from danger and ensure his safety. However, since everyone else was gone, he had to bring reinforcements as quickly as possible. He was determined to ensure that Yu Shi San stayed alive, no matter what.

After riding for a considerable amount of time and feeling his strength waning, Yuan Lu spotted a horse in a farmhouse and decided to switch horses. Ning Yuan Zhou and Ruyi arrived at Tianmen Pass to meet with Jin Meiniang. When she heard Jin Meiniang mention that the Second Prince had passed through this area a couple of days ago, Ruyi told Ning Yuan Zhou, "Hopefully, we were just being overly cautious." Then she instructed Jin Meiniang to be attentive to any relevant military information.

Deng Hui was also willing to put aside past grievances and cooperate with Jin Meiniang and the others. Ruyi's health was deteriorating, and it was at this moment that Yuan Lu passed by them. Ning Yuan Zhou felt as though he had seen Yuan Lu, but Ruyi thought she might have been mistaken. Yuan Lu, on the other hand, felt like he had seen Ning Yuan Zhou and turned around, only to realize that Ning Yuan Zhou and Ruyi were probably not there. He concluded that he must have been seeing things.

Ning Yuan Zhou received news that even Ruyi didn't believe it was the Beipan people, but rather the Second Prince. Ning Yuan Zhou believed that they had to force Emperor An to send troops, as it was the right choice. As Yuan Lu continued his journey, his horse tired out, and he continued on foot until he collapsed on the ground. Yu Shi San held Yuan Lu's nameplate, knowing that Yuan Lu understood his intentions.

Yuan Lu got up and persisted in going to Andu, seemingly exhausted of all his strength. However, when he arrived at the city gate, they wouldn't let him in. Yuan Lu pushed himself and ran to Li Tong Guang's mansion. Li Tong Guang urged Yang Ying to escape, and upon seeing Yuan Lu's Lingdie (a type of butterfly), Yang Ying noticed Yuan Lu. When Yuan Lu informed Yang Ying about the military situation, he was already too weak to be saved. Finally, Yuan Lu revealed his true feelings to Yang Ying. She was shocked and watched Yuan Lu die before her eyes, filled with immense pain. She reminisced about their precious memories together and deeply regretted not telling Yuan Lu her feelings earlier. She felt that fate had been unjust to her, as she had finally found someone who loved her, only to lose him like this.

The Second Prince returned and happily conversed with Emperor An. He informed his father that the Beipan people dared not invade their territory, which pleased Emperor An. However, at that moment, Li Tong Guang arrived with intelligence, informing Emperor An of the invasion by the Beipan people. Initially, Emperor An found it hard to believe and thought it was impossible. The Second Prince wanted to conceal the truth, but Li Tong Guang vouched for it with his life. This made Emperor An somewhat inclined to believe and suddenly sensed that something was amiss.

Emperor An didn't want to endanger his own son. Li Tong Guang was imprisoned, and Yang Ying was placed under house arrest.

Emperor An wanted to make a deal with the Beipan people through the Second Prince. He intended to let the Beipan people eliminate those involved and restore his reputation. His plan was for the Beipan people to win a few battles and then pretend to be defeated by him. Ideally, he wanted the Duke of Chuguo to lead the troops and die during the Crown Prince's enthronement ceremony.

Mr. Du noticed that the food sent by Emperor An was becoming increasingly meager. Yang Ying believed that as a young person, she would be safe. Li Tong Guang seemed cheerful all day, but Mr. Du realized that Li Tong Guang was also facing difficulties. Li Tong Guang knew that Emperor An wanted to conceal the truth, and he still hesitated to take action against his own uncle.

When Li Tong Guang saw Yang Ying burning poisonous grass, he quickly stopped her. Yang Ying told Li Tong Guang that her master had taught her never to sit idle and wait for death, and she knew that Li Tong Guang was also suffering inside.

Yang Ying told Li Tong Guang that she knew a lot, and Li Tong Guang recalled his own childhood, where he was just like Yang Ying, even without a father. Yang Ying offered Li Tong Guang some taro to eat, and Li Tong Guang shared half with her. Yang Ying looked at Li Tong Guang's sword and told him that she knew someone else named Qingyun and hoped that Li Tong Guang could be better than Qingyun.

Yang Ying believed that women should not be bound to one person for life. She overheard Li Tong Guang saying that he would love Ruyi, and she thought it was easier said than done. However, Yang Ying always believed that Ning Yuan Zhou and Ruyi would come to rescue them.

Li Tong Guang was deeply moved by Yang Ying's words. They discovered Chu Yue, and Li Tong Guang learned from Chu Yue that Ning Yuan Zhou and Ruyi knew each other and had asked for their help.

Chu Yue informed Li Tong Guang that her father was also involved in Emperor An's scheme. Yang Ying gave Li Tong Guang a weapon for self-defense. They split into two groups, and Li Tong Guang learned from Chu Yue that Ruyi and Ning Yuan Zhou planned to force Emperor An to send troops. Concerned about their weakened physical condition, Li Tong Guang struggled internally but ultimately decided to borrow troops from Chuguo.

The Crown Prince's enthronement ceremony proceeded as scheduled, and Emperor An believed his plot was about to succeed. However, Ruyi and Ning Yuan Zhou instantly moved forward to restrain the Second Prince, and Emperor An recognized Ruyi's true identity, causing him great astonishment.