Episode 30 recap: Yu Shi San refused Chuyue.

Yu Shi San held Chuyue's hand and asked her to touch his chest. Chuyue wasn't shy like other girls, which surprised Yu Shi San. Suddenly, Chuyue looked at Yu Shi San's face and thought he was handsome, which made Yu Shi San a bit embarrassed.Yu Shi San told Chuyue that he was a bad person and asked her not to believe him. However, Chuyue felt that Yu Shi San was just being tough with his words and wasn't that bad. After a while, Yu Shi San felt a bit frustrated that he, a grown man, couldn't outdrink a young girl.

Chuyue told Yu Shi San that she grew up in the northern desert and that alcohol had no effect on her. Yu Shi San seriously told Chuyue that it was because she had seen too few good guys that she became so concerned about a scoundrel like him. He also said that he would take Chuyue to a good place later, where all her troubles would be taken away.

Seeing Chuyue's innocent and pure appearance, Yu Shi San couldn't bear to hurt her like that. He thought it would be better if they didn't meet again from now on. However, Chuyue didn't allow Yu Shi San to leave. Yu Shi San told Chuyue that after daybreak, they would go their separate ways and never see each other again.

Chuyue learned Yu Shi San's name. Yu Shi San took Chuyue to many places, and she was very happy. She had never felt so at ease before. After Yu Shi San put Chuyue down, Jin Mei Niang came in. Seeing that Yu Shi San didn't make a move, Jin Mei Niang mocked him. Yu Shi San felt that he had become a bit reckless but was still a good person.

Jin Mei Niang could tell that Yu Shi San was obviously moved but didn't dare to admit it. Yu Shi San said he wasn't that kind of person. Besides, when he saw Jin Mei Niang, her face was full of wounds, and it was inevitable for him to be moved.

Yu Shi San confidently told Jin Mei Niang that he had told her before that his feelings wouldn't last, so she shouldn't take it to heart. Jin Mei Niang was left speechless by his words. Yu Shi San said that if Jin Mei Niang didn't force him to marry her, he wouldn't run away.

Jin Mei Niang asked Yu Shi San if he liked her and suggested making up after they finished drinking. Emperor An dreamed that he was killed by Ruyi in his dream. He knew that Ren Xin hadn't died and that Ren Xin had come back for revenge. He was angry that Deng Hui hadn't informed him. Deng Hui didn't expect Emperor An to remember this and even hurt his hand, telling him to find Ruyi, or else he would behead him in half a month.

Deng Hui knew that this time he couldn't avoid making enemies with Ruyi. Chuyue woke up and found herself in the house, feeling like it was all a dream. Ruyi saw that Yu Shi San was angry and questioned him if he had taken a girl to Jin Mei Niang's place last night.

Ning Yuan Zhou hinted to Yu Shi San to be careful, but Yu Shi San didn't think much of it. Ruyi warned Yu Shi San not to have any ideas about Li Tong Guang's fiancée, Li Tong Guang. They discussed their plan to rescue Emperor An, but after everyone left, Ning Yuan Zhou realized that his poison seemed to be acting up again, and he didn't tell Ruyi.

Deng Hui interrogated Chuyue about whether she had seen anyone else, but Chuyue helped Li Tong Guang conceal the truth. Chuyue lowered her head to Li Tong Guang and followed the method Yu Shi San had given her. She found it useful. Listening to Li Tong Guang's confession of liking Ruyi, Chuyue felt the same way about Yu Shi San. She promised Li Tong Guang that they would only pretend to be married, which Li Tong Guang happily agreed to.

Li Tong Guang noticed that Chuyue had fallen for someone else, and Chuyue boldly told him that she had feelings for someone else and that she would inform her father about her change of heart, asking him not to worry. Chuyue found Yu Shi San and he anxiously drove her away, telling her that he didn't have any feelings for her and wishing her happiness with her fiancé.

Yu Shi San felt a bit reluctant to hurt Chuyue when he saw her innocent demeanor, but he believed that it would be better to end things now rather than prolong the pain. Deng Hui brought his men to search for Ruyi but found nothing. Jin Mei Niang's inn was also being monitored by spies. Ning Yuan Zhou believed that Deng Hui hadn't discovered where Ruyi was hiding yet.

Ruyi felt that she needed to leave quickly to avoid implicating Ning Yuan Zhou and the others. Ning Yuan Zhou agreed with Ruyi's assessment, and their plan had to be accelerated. Ruyi said, "Once I leave, I'll be gone." Ning Yuan Zhou felt a sense of sadness in Ruyi's words, as if it were a farewell before life and death. Ruyi thought that she had always been like this before. Ning Yuan Zhou said that there was still one thing missing for Ruyi and wanted to take her to find it.