Episode 7 recap: Ning Yuan Zhou led the delegation cleverly out of the customs.

Yang Ying practiced the etiquette taught by Ruyi repeatedly. Ning Yuan Zhou looked at Yang Ying and Ruyi, feeling a bit sorry for Yang Ying growing up in an instant. Yu Shi San looked at Ning Yuan Zhou, who kept staring at Ruyi, and mocked him for being physically present but mentally absent. Ning Yuan Zhou found Yu Shi San annoying. Ning Yuan Zhou received a message from the capital instructing his subordinates to find an empty inn and not stay there tonight.

Yu Shi San asked Yuan Lu why Ning Yuan Zhou's expression changed after receiving the letter. Yuan Lu told Yu Shi San that Ning Yuan Zhou had been abandoned. Yu Shi San seemed to take pleasure in his misfortune.

Ruyi arrived at Xushan Station to rest. Ning Yuan Zhou received information that Zhou Jian, a trusted subordinate of the Prince of Danyang, was leading thirteen armies to intercept them. He instructed Sun Lang to find an empty inn in advance to attract attention and prevent ambush. Ning Yuan Zhou believed that they wouldn't directly attack them, but they might set fires or carry out assassinations under the guise of reception or escort.

Ning Yuan Zhou said that he had seen Zhou Jian's information and knew that he was a brave and skilled general. He thought it would be good for Yu Shi San to investigate Zhou Jian's troop deployment. Yu Shi San agreed without any problem. Ruyi saw those soldiers in front of the gate not wearing shirts and didn't seem to be embarrassed. She was just curious if practicing martial arts like that would make them feel cold. Yang Ying, who was behind her, saw this scene and hurriedly avoided it.

Ning Yuan Zhou saw Ruyi looking at those men and told them to put on their clothes. Qian Zhao told those men that Ruyi had killed men before, which made them scared. Qian Zhao informed Ning Yuan Zhou that the matter had been resolved, and he also mentioned that his cousin was a real Diaochan and that these subordinates were used to being single, hence having such thoughts.

Ning Yuan Zhou denied being a blood relative to Ruyi. Qian Zhao teased Ning Yuan Zhou and asked why he didn't have children with Ruyi. Ning Yuan Zhou was speechless. He hesitated when he arrived at Ruyi's room but quickly apologized when he saw her opening the door. Ruyi didn't mind and thought Ning Yuan Zhou was overthinking.

Ning Yuan Zhou told Ruyi to stay by Yang Ying's side today as there might be an assassination attempt. Seeing Ruyi's indifferent expression, Ning Yuan Zhou felt helpless and could only watch his brothers mock him. Ning Yuan Zhou wanted to capture Zhou Jian, but Ruyi felt that it was better to catch the thief first. However, she hadn't fully recovered her internal strength, so Ning Yuan Zhou thought it was not safe to do so.

Ning Yuan Zhou planned to outsmart Zhou Jian by taking advantage of his lack of literary skills.

Ruyi seduced Yang Ying with her charm, teaching him how to handle it. She told Yang Ying not to trust anyone but himself, as that was the skill she wanted to impart to him.

Ning Yuan Zhou used a scheme to make Zhou Jian believe that he was also serving the Prince of Danyang. Zhou Jian listened attentively to Ning Yuan Zhou's words and was willing to take a risk. Yu Shi San teased Ruyi about her good lightness skill. Ruyi wanted to find out whatRuyi used her charm to seduce Yang Ying, teaching him how to respond. She told Yang Ying not to trust anyone but himself, as that was the skill she wanted to impart to him.

Ning Yuan Zhou used a scheme to make Zhou Jian believe that he was also serving the Prince of Danyang. Zhou Jian listened intently to Ning Yuan Zhou's words and was willing to take a risk. Yu Shi San teased Ruyi about her impressive lightness skill. Ruyi wanted to find out what Ning Yuan Zhou was planning, so Yu Shi San told her that they had secretly imitated letters from the Prince of Danyang to deceive Zhou Jian. Ruyi thought Ning Yuan Zhou was loyal, but she didn't want to admit it verbally.

Yu Shi San told Ruyi that Ning Yuan Zhou was their true sworn brother. Ruyi had Yang Ying talk to Zhou Jian, who thought it was a fake delegation arranged by Ning Yuan Zhou and personally escorted them through the customs.

Yang Ying couldn't believe they had passed through the customs so easily. The Prince of Danyang was furious upon learning the news, and the queen was angry that the Prince of Danyang had obstructed the delegation. The Prince of Danyang confessed his feelings to the queen, but she only desired to become the Empress Dowager. Ruyi asked Ning Yuan Zhou seriously if she was inadequate, otherwise why would he want to have a child with her? Ning Yuan Zhou sincerely reassured Ruyi that she was wonderful. However, they both lived in a world of bloodshed and were not suited for such a life. Ruyi was curious about how Ning Yuan Zhou got along so well with Yu Shi San and the others, as she didn't know how to socialize with people. Ruyi also didn't know if she truly liked children, but she would fulfill the Empress's words.

Yuan Lu mocked Ning Yuan Zhou, thinking that he was interested in Ruyi. Ning Yuan Zhou felt that Ruyi's words were correct. Children were troublesome, and although he liked Ruyi very much, they were not destined to be together. Ning Yuan Zhou thought that Ruyi was just a puppet who only knew how to complete missions. He wanted to influence her, but as Yuan Lu listened, he fell asleep.

Ning Yuan Zhou received a confidential report that Zhou Jian had discovered the deception and was chasing after them. He quickly ordered Sun Lang to organize the troops and implement the second plan.