Episode 10 recap: Exposure of the Desired Identity.

Ning Yuan Zhou used the excuse of wanting to try out the carving knife given by Ruyi. He also asked Ruyi to describe the appearance of the person who taught Purple Robe martial arts. Ruyi told Ning Yuan Zhou that the person was of average height, with a round face and a chin that resembled Sun Lang. The person's eyes were somewhat similar to Ding Hui's, and they had thin eyebrows and a habit of looking up. Based on Ruyi's description, Ning Yuan Zhou carved a cat and gave it to Ruyi as a gift. Ruyi was delighted to receive the cat and, seeing the lantern in the sky rise, she went inside and changed her clothes.

Jiang Xiu saw that the person who arrived was Liuli. Qian Zhao and Ning Yuan Zhou were eavesdropping from hiding places. Ning Yuan Zhou sighed in frustration, unaware that Yu Shi San had arrived. Yu Shi San teased Ning Yuan Zhou for being lost in romantic thoughts all the time.

Jiang Xiu heard that Yuesan Niang had died and felt that seeking revenge for her was not the right course of action. Instead, she believed they should infiltrate the Chu Kingdom's mission to gather more information, so that Yuesan Niang's death would not be in vain. The person felt that Yuesan Niang should not have died in vain like that. However, Jiang Xiu stated that she had already found out that Ruyi was a member of the Chu Kingdom's rogue faction, and the headquarters had dispatched the Yuheng branch to deal with it. Ruyi found it strange that everyone believed she was a member of the rogue faction, when it was clearly an identity fabricated by Ning Yuan Zhou. Moreover, she intentionally left clues on Yuesan Niang and Yu Lang, suspecting that someone was manipulating everything behind the scenes. She suddenly realized it was Ning Yuan Zhou and regretted placing so much trust in him.

Yu Shi San felt that Ning Yuan Zhou was overly concerned, as Ruyi was a rogue and not a member of the Zhu Yiwei, and she was also a beautiful woman, albeit sometimes ruthless. Ning Yuan Zhou was burdened with worries he couldn't share with Yu Shi San.

Ruyi stood on the rooftop eavesdropping and heard Ning Yuan Zhou telling Yu Shi San that he really liked fighting alongside Ruyi, feeling protected for the first time and being able to fight without worries, unlike with other women. Yu Shi San thought Ning Yuan Zhou was falling for Ruyi but couldn't understand why he was so troubled by these trivial matters in the middle of the night.

Ning Yuan Zhou felt that in his lifetime, there were many people who moved him emotionally, but not every time required action. Ignoring Ruyi's identity, he felt she was too mysterious and unfamiliar. Since that was the case, he didn't want to start anything, as he didn't want to disappoint Ruyi. Ruyi was touched to hear that Ning Yuan Zhou was considering her feelings and returned to her room, telling herself to trust Ning Yuan Zhou.

Zhu Ji received information that Deng Hui considered useless, which led others to mock him. Chu Yue happened to pass by and witnessed this scene. She wanted to defend Zhu Ji but was intercepted, although she couldn't help apologizing to Zhu Ji. Chu Yue noticed that the emperor's expression was different and heard about the upcoming royal marriage. She boldly asked the emperor for a reward. The emperor considered marrying Chu Yue to Li Tong Guang. Chu Gui Fei advised Chu Yue to be content, but Chu Yue herself didn't like Li Tong Guang. She realized that her lack of interest in Li Tong Guang was just to console Chu Gui Fei.

Chu Yue saw Li Tong Guang and felt that he wasn't a good person, so she confronted him directly. Ning Yuan Zhou took a different route to pass through without using any troops and successfully cleared the checkpoint. Yang Ying was very afraid but remained calm. Ruyi hinted to Yang Ying not to act impulsively. The other party treated the mission disrespectfully. Yang Ying saw a mouse in the room and became very excited, continuously screaming. Ruyi couldn't help but hit Yang Ying. She went outside and saw a secret signal, obtained the information, and bought a sugar figurine for Yang Ying.

Returning to the inn, Ruyi noticed that Qian Zhao's expression was off. Based on her years of experience, she sensed a strong presence of killing intent in the air. Qian Zhao was sharpening his knife in the courtyard while Sun Lang and others joined forces to attack Ruyi. They deeply despised the Zhu Yiwei and, upon discovering Ruyi's affiliation with them, considered her a spy.

When Yang Ying returned and saw them fighting, Yu Shi San was also confused. Qian Zhao called for Yu Shi San's help, and although Yu Shi San felt there must be a misunderstanding, hearing his brothers speak like that, he had no choice but to stand on their side. Ruyi saw that they all treated her like an enemy and felt very sad. They mercilessly defeated her, and Ruyi decided not to hold back anymore and fight seriously.