Episode 8 recap: Fan Xian Causes a Stir at the Vegetable-Picking Department.

Fan Xian officially took over a division of the Bureau of Investigation. He conducted a comprehensive reorganization of the division and quickly discovered a collusion between the division and the Vegetable-Picking Department for profiteering. Fan Xian took decisive measures to rectify the situation. Initially, Fan Xian wanted to completely ruin Li Cheng Ze and Li Yun Rui through the smuggling incident involving Northern Qi, but all the leads he had were cut off.

Just when Fan Xian was feeling disheartened, Chen Ping Ping earnestly advised and encouraged him. Reluctantly, Fan Xian agreed to temporarily take over the first branch of the Bureau of Investigation, also known as "Division One," in his capacity as the acting head. The bloodshed and turmoil in the capital city also returned to its previous prosperity and tranquility.

Yan Bing Yun went to the prison to pick up Yan Ruo Hai and bring him home. Father and son had a heartfelt and candid conversation. Yan Ruo Hai conveyed Chen Ping Ping's instructions for Yan Bing Yun to wholeheartedly support Fan Xian in stabilizing his position at the Bureau of Investigation. Yan Ruo Hai felt that he was getting old and wanted to hand over all his responsibilities to Yan Bing Yun. He also urged Yan Bing Yun to learn from Fan Xian. Yan Ruo Hai reminded Yan Bing Yun to separate work from personal feelings. Yan Bing Yun admitted that his decision to bring Shen Zhong's sister back from Northern Qi was somewhat rash, but he couldn't stand idly by in the face of danger.

Early the next morning, Fan Xian officially assumed his position at Division One with Wang Qi Nian. Following Chen Ping Ping's orders, Yan Bing Yun arrived early at the entrance to greet them. Division One was bustling with activity, and officials from the six ministries of the court sent gifts to the division. Fan Xian secretly vowed to thoroughly reform Division One and pulled Yan Bing Yun along to witness the spectacle.

The officials at Division One were busy attending to their duties, and nobody paid attention to Fan Xian and his companions. They went directly into the courtyard and saw several baskets of Yunmeng fish recently delivered by the Vegetable-Picking Department. This fish was unique to the southern region and was renowned for its delicious taste. It needed to be transported urgently for hundreds of miles by the Ministry of War using ice and snow from the previous year in the northern region to ensure its freshness.

Fan Xian inspected the division and learned from Deng Zi Yue, the chief clerk, that the major officials responsible for the division had taken leave and were playing mahjong together. Only Deng Zi Yue was handling official business. From him, Fan Xian learned a huge secret: the Vegetable-Picking Department and the Ministry of War supplied rare Yunmeng fish to Division One, which in turn sold the fish back to the Vegetable-Picking Department at double the price. They shared the profits, and all six ministries of the court engaged in this method to make exorbitant profits. Fan Xian suppressed his anger and immediately relieved those responsible of their duties, appointing Wang Qi Nian and Deng Zi Yue as his right-hand men.

Fan Xian sternly reprimanded his subordinates and made them agree to three rules, leaving them trembling in fear. Using the excuse of the Yunmeng fish being not fresh, Fan Xian sent Deng Zi Yue to seal off the Vegetable-Picking Department. Deng Zi Yue was hesitant, fearing that he wouldn't be able to convince others. Fan Xian asked Yan Bing Yun to support him, but Yan Bing Yun didn't want to get involved in this mess. However, he couldn't refuse and reluctantly accompanied Fan Xian.

Fan Xian went directly to find Li Cheng Ze, intentionally carrying an empty bucket meant for fish as a demonstration. Upon entering, Fan Xian saw Xie Bi An and sarcastically mocked him before forcefully taking Li Cheng Ze to the Vegetable-Picking Department to watch the scene unfold. Deng Zi Yue and his men surrounded the Vegetable-Picking Department, but Dai Gong Gong, who was informed of the situation, remained unfazed. He claimed full authority over the department and relied on his connection to Li Cheng Ze's mother, Noble Consort Shu, to act arrogantly and disregard Deng Zi Yue, a mere clerk. Unexpectedly, Fan Xian arrived with Li Cheng Ze, and only then did Dai Gong Gong realize the gravity of the situation.

A young eunuch named Hong Zhu came to deliver a message, urging Dai Gong Gong to personally visit the Vegetable-Picking Department to see what was happening. Dai Gong Gong noticed Hong Zhu's intelligence and wanted him to accompany him, but Hong Zhu firmly refused, mentioning Noble Consort Shu as an excuse. Dai Gong Gong had no choice but to give up.

Dai Gong Gong, trembling, approached Fan Xian and secretly tried to bribe Wang Qi Nian, hoping to extract information from him. Deng Zi Yue witnessed this and Wang Qi Nian shared half of the money with him. Fan Xian presented account books to verify the handwriting and confirmed that Dai Gong Gong was responsible. He listed Dai Gong Gong's years of profiteering, corruption, and collusion with the six ministries of the court through the Vegetable-Picking Department. Fearing exposure and impending danger, Dai Gong Gong secretly handed Fan Xian an envelope. Fan Xian opened it immediately and accepted the three thousand silver notes inside, instructing Deng Zi Yue to lift the ban on the Vegetable-Picking Department. Li Cheng Ze realized that Fan Xian had deliberately demonstrated against him and angrily left.

Yan Bing Yun was puzzled and couldn't understand why Fan Xian openly accepted bribes. Little did he know that Fan Xian also asked Yan Bing Yun to bring several officials to the Inspectorate to accuse him. As Fan Xian passed by Bao Yue Tower, he recalled the tragic death of Lao Jin Tou and vowed to expose all the dark forces in the capital and seek justice for those who died unjustly.