Episode 29 recap: Emperor Qing encountered a triple assassination at the Suspended Temple.

Fan Si Zhe opened his heart to Fan Jian, revealing that his previous relentless money-making was to gain Fan Jian's approval, and his current business trip to Northern Qi was to realize his own ambitions. Both Fan Jian and Liu Ru Yu were delighted to hear this.Fan Xian carried a pot of chrysanthemums and followed the palace official to the Suspended Temple nestled between two mountains. The only path to the temple was built along the mountainside, winding up the steep steps to the peak.

When Fan Xian's group reached the top, they encountered a long line of workers descending the mountain. These were the craftsmen who built the Suspended Temple, not allowed to remain on the mountain during the chrysanthemum viewing festival. The workers were chained together, their hands and feet bound.

The palace official explained this was the emperor's private domain, crucial to Emperor Qing's safety, so the workers could never see their families again after descending. They would be confined until the festival ended, then return to work at the temple. Emperor Qing had specifically instructed Fan Xian to place a certain potted flower in a specific location, which Fan Xian dutifully did. As he was about to leave with the official, they heard footsteps on the roof. Rushing up, they found no one there.

On the rooftop, Fan Xian marveled at the beautiful scenery below, regretting he had missed the previous chrysanthemum viewing festival. As he was about to leave, he suddenly felt his inner qi spiraling out of control and nearly fell, steadied by the official who urged him to have his master regulate his qi, but Fan Xian falsely claimed to have no master.

Back home, Fan Si Zhe bid farewell to his parents, and Fan Jian challenged him to a game of pai gow, providing ample funds. Fan Si Zhe's exceptional gambling skills allowed him to win a large sum, while Fan Ruo Ruo quickly lost it all. Lin Wan Er, who rarely went out due to illness, joined the game and proved an equal match for Fan Si Zhe, impressing him greatly.

When Fan Xian returned home, he saw the intense pai gow game, and realized Fan Jian was reluctant to let Fan Si Zhe go to Northern Qi. Fan Si Zhe wanted to leave quickly to pursue his ambitions, so he proposed an all-or-nothing round. Ultimately, Lin Wan Er used her skills to allow Fan Si Zhe to lose, and he sadly bid farewell to his family.

The Chrysanthemum Viewing Festival was approaching, and Fan Xian rode a carriage to Xuankong Temple, following the instructions of the Jingbiao soldiers. The Capital Defense Commander Ye Zhong had been waiting in the forest for a long time. He wanted to have a match with Fan Xian, so Fan Xian had to oblige him with a round. Ye Zhong pulled Fan Xian aside, informing him that the Jingbiao soldiers were responsible for the outer perimeter defense, and asked Fan Xian to stay by Emperor Qing's side to protect his safety, fearing someone might take the opportunity to assassinate him. Ye Zhong also gave Fan Xian a silver note to replenish the internal treasury deficit, but Fan Xian firmly believed that the Xuankong Temple was heavily guarded and returned the silver note to Ye Zhong.

Fan Xian quickly arrived at the foot of the mountain and unexpectedly encountered Qin Heng on guard duty, learning that Qin Ye had not come to view the chrysanthemums. The four brothers, Li Cheng Ru, Li Cheng Qian, Li Cheng Ze, and Li Cheng Ping, climbed the steps to Xuankong Temple, with Li Cheng Ping panting heavily. Li Cheng Qian overlooked the beautiful scenery below, and Li Cheng Ze suddenly pushed him, causing Li Cheng Qian to nearly fall off the mountain, terrifying him, but it was just a joke from Li Cheng Ze.

Emperor Qing and the four princes gathered together to view the chrysanthemums, but suddenly, thick smoke began to roll out from Xuankong Temple. Concerned for Emperor Qing's safety, Fan Xian rushed up the cliff to the temple. Ye Zhong led the Jingbiao soldiers to extinguish the fire, which was quickly put out. Wang Qi Nian found a lit match at the scene, suspecting someone had intentionally started the fire.

Fan Xian came to protect Emperor Qing, but Emperor Qing scolded him for overreacting, saying he was frightened by just a small fire. Fan Xian swore to protect Emperor Qing at all costs, but Emperor Qing was unimpressed. Fan Xian then brought the four princes to express their loyalty to Emperor Qing, who invited them all to drink and enjoy the flowers, and asked Fan Xian to have a drink with Li Cheng Ze to resolve their conflict, which Fan Xian obliged.

Suddenly, a Jingbiao soldier jumped out and drew his sword, aiming it at Emperor Qing. In the chaos, Li Cheng Qian accidentally fell to the ground, and Fan Xian and Li Cheng Ru rushed to fight the soldier. A white-robed assassin then descended from the sky, heading straight for Emperor Qing. Li Cheng Ping was by Emperor Qing's side, and Fan Xian pushed him away. A eunuch from Emperor Qing's entourage drew a dagger from a tray, also attempting to assassinate the Emperor, but Fan Xian turned around and found the eunuch already dead, and Emperor Qing unharmed.

The white-robed assassin, seeing the situation had turned unfavorable, quickly fled. Emperor Qing recognized the assassin as the younger brother of the Grand Swordmaster, Four-Faced Sword, and ordered Fan Xian to pursue and kill him. Fan Xian gave chase, with the assassin fighting and retreating. They fought from the Xuankong Temple on the mountain peak all the way down to the flower fields.

The civil and military officials were terrified and cried out in alarm. Fan Jian, worried for Fan Xian's safety, went to confront Emperor Qing, complaining that he should not have let Fan Xian chase the assassin alone. Emperor Qing claimed to have the palace guards seal off the mountain, ensuring Fan Xian's safety, and invited Fan Jian to join them in enjoying the flowers, but Fan Jian was too preoccupied, constantly monitoring Fan Xian's whereabouts.

Fan Xian chased the white-robed swordsman, and they ended up in a tower forest. Fan Xian felt the assassin seemed familiar, suspecting he had been hiding in the capital all along, but the assassin just smiled without answering.