Episode 30 recap: Fan Xian learned the truth about the assassination at the Suspended Temple.

Fan Xian rushed to the Suspended Temple, risking his life to save Li Cheng Ping. As a result, he sustained serious injuries. Emperor Qing was deeply anxious. Li the Physician suggested finding someone with the same inner energy as Fan Xian to heal him. Fan Xian asked Fan Ruo Ruo to perform the surgery.

The white-robed swordsman was the younger brother of the grand master swordsman Si Gu Jian. His martial arts had reached the ninth level. Fan Xian used all his tricks, exhausting the three crossbow bolts, three jars of poisonous smoke, and silver needles sent by his three senior brothers at the Inquisition Department, barely holding his own against the white-robed swordsman. Fan Xian was left with only a dagger, determined to fight to the death.

Fan Xian and the white-robed swordsman battled fiercely in the tower, neither giving an inch. Fan Xian's inner energy was thrown into disarray, while the white-robed swordsman grew stronger. He struck repeatedly, and the exhausted Fan Xian was wounded multiple times. The final blow pierced deep into the stone tower.

The white-robed swordsman drew a long dagger to continue the attack. Realizing something was wrong with Fan Xian, he hastily stopped, but the poisoned dagger had already pierced Fan Xian's chest. Fan Xian coughed up blood and collapsed.

The barely-alive Fan Xian was carried to the Imperial Palace. Emperor Qing had Li the Physician treat his wounds. When Li visited the Fan residence, he discovered Fan Xian's inner energy was flowing backward. After the brutal battle, Fan Xian's inner energy was depleted, and the poison on the white-robed swordsman's dagger was fatal. Li the Physician was at a loss.

If they could find someone with the same inner energy as Fan Xian to help unblock his channels, there was a chance he could survive. But that person's inner energy would be greatly damaged. Enraged, Emperor Qing pressured Li the Physician to find such a person, or else Fan Xian would die.

Ye Qing Mei brought two martial arts manuals from the temple, which Ku He and Emperor Qing later cultivated to become grand masters. But Emperor Qing hid this from the world, unwilling to use his powerful inner energy to save Fan Xian.

The delirious Fan Xian said to find Fan Ruo Ruo. Emperor Qing immediately sent someone to bring her to the palace to save Fan Xian. Lin Wan Er brought Fan Ruo Ruo to the palace.

After Fan Ruo Ruo's careful treatment, Fan Xian finally awakened. He had the Inquisition Department's three senior brothers come to detoxify him. Chen Ping Ping sent them to the palace, while Yan Bing Yun searched the department's records but found no information on the white-robed swordsman, suspecting an insider.

The white-robed swordsman was actually Ying Zi, who had been wearing a mask. Chen Ping Ping had arranged for him to assassinate at the Suspended Temple, hoping to create an opportunity for Fan Xian to gain Emperor Qing's trust. But Fan Xian was unexpectedly gravely injured.

The senior brother from the Inquisition Department arrived promptly. Fan Xian knew the poison on the white-robed swordsman's dagger was from the Eastern Barbarian City's mineral vein. The senior brother immediately detoxified Fan Xian, but the poison had already entered his lungs. Only surgery could completely remove it. Li the Physician had never heard of such a method, but Fan Ruo Ruo volunteered to perform the operation. Fan Xian had Lin Wan Er leave, fearing she would be frightened, but she insisted on staying to watch Fan Ruo Ruo's surgery.

Fan Xian ordered Cold Shixiong and Li Taoist Doctor to disinfect the scene. He couldn't use anesthesia and had to direct Fan Ruoruo to perform the surgery. Cold Shixiong gave him a small amount of sleeping medicine. This was the first time Fan Ruoruo had operated on a human, and she was afraid to make the cut. Emperor Qing arrived just in time and swiftly cut open Fan Xian's chest.

Li Chengru, Li Chengqian, Yi Guipin, and Li Chengping were all waiting outside the door, silently waiting for the outcome of the surgery. Fan Jian became hoarse from worrying too much and couldn't speak. Liu Ruyu persuaded him to go to the palace to see Fan Xian, but Fan Jian couldn't go and was anxious at home.

Fan Xian directed Fan Ruoruo to help him remove the toxins from his body. During the suturing, the sleeping medicine caused Fan Xian to ramble, alternating between crying and laughing. Lin Waner was alarmed and flustered, unable to help, so she could only silently pray for Fan Xian.

When Fan Xian saw Emperor Qing, he surprisingly called him "Homeroom Teacher." Everyone present was worried about Fan Xian's condition and didn't understand what he was saying. Chen Pingping rushed to the palace to visit Fan Xian and suggested promoting this medical technique, as Emperor Qing was curious about Fan Xian's hidden talents, just like his mother Ye Qingmei.

Fan Ruoruo's surgery was very successful, and Fan Xian was finally out of danger. Lin Waner was moved to tears, and Fan Ruoruo felt relieved, her hands trembling. Taoist Doctor Li wanted to pass down this miraculous medical skill, but Fan Xian hadn't woken up yet, so he had to leave first.

After learning that Fan Xian's condition had stabilized, Fan Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Ruyu wanted to go to the palace to take care of Fan Xian, but Fan Jian resolutely refused. Liu Ruyu insisted on going, as she was Fan Xian's birth mother.

Fan Ruoruo and Lin Waner stayed up all night. They each went to rest, and Chen Pingping took the opportunity to see Fan Xian. Although Fan Xian had survived the surgery, his true qi was exhausted, and his meridians were in disarray. Chen Pingping suggested that he use the secret "Tianyi Dao" technique of the bitter cucumber to restore his foundation, as the bitter cucumber's techniques were never passed down.

Chen Pingping uncovered the background of the three assassins from Hanging Temple. The guards were hidden spies left in the capital after the defeat of the Hu people, and the eunuch was a descendant of the royal family killed after Ye Qingmei's death, seeking revenge. The white-robed swordsman was the brother of Four-Sided Sword, the only one who survived after his brother killed the entire group.

These three assassins had no connection, and their simultaneous attack was just a coincidence. Fan Xian directly stated that this "divine" arrangement was carefully planned by Chen Pingping, and the white-robed swordsman was Chen Pingping's personal bodyguard, Ying Zi. When Ying Zi drew his sword, Fan Xian couldn't recognize him, but after throwing away the sword, Fan Xian identified him.

Chen Pingping admitted that Ying Zi was his arrangement, and he had only facilitated the situation. Suddenly, Fan Xian's true qi became chaotic, and Ying Zi couldn't stop in time, unfortunately wounding Fan Xian. Chen Pingping advised Fan Xian not to reveal Ying Zi's true identity to Emperor Qing. He also discovered that the fire at Hanging Temple was arranged by Emperor Qing, and the palace official was demoted to Dingzhou for neglecting his duties in protecting the Emperor. Ye Zhong, the official's senior, submitted eight memorials pleading for him, but was also exiled to Dingzhou. Fan Xian was stunned, realizing that the Hanging Temple assassination attempt was arranged by Emperor Qing, who wanted to drive the Ye family out of the capital.