Episode 8 recap: The lord has requested that the two families produce scented jade stones.

Since Pei Pei and Shan Dan Dan confirmed their relationship, Pei Pei no longer has any freedom. One night when Pei Pei wanted to go to Huamanlou, Shan Dan Dan heard about it and became very angry. With just a glance, she prevented Pei Pei from daring to leave the room. This made Pei Pei quickly turn around and go back to her own room. Shan Dan Dan's status in the Pei family has now surpassed Pei Pei's.

Shan Shuang Shuang gave her hand-drawn jade stone blueprint to her sister Shan Dan Dan. With the blueprint, many of the Pei family's jade stone scraps and offcuts could be put to use, greatly increasing their profits. This also helped raise Shan Dan Dan's status in the Pei family, making her very happy.

While the two were talking, Tan Qinghe also came over. Although he was a painter, he also ran a fragrance shop. He invited them to come and take a look. Tan Qinghe introduced his fragrances to the two women. Now the lord was heavily promoting fragrances, so Tan Qinghe saw this as an opportunity to increase his income and decided to get involved.

Pei Pei grew anxious when it got dark and Shan Dan Dan had not yet returned home. She hurriedly went out to search for her. On the other side, Su Jue was also worried about Shan Shuang Shuang and went to the teahouse to look for her. Coincidentally, the two of them ran into each other, both knowing the other was searching for the Shan sisters. However, they eyed each other with disdain and dislike, much to the dismay of the teahouse owner, who quickly explained that the two young ladies had already left and gone to Tan Qinghe's studio.

Pei Pei and Su Jue discovered Shan Dan Dan and Shan Shuang Shuang at Tan Qinghe's studio, and the two seemed quite intimate in their conversation with the painter. This made the two of them very uncomfortable, but they did not dare to interrupt.

After returning, Pei Pei criticized Shan Dan Dan's behavior, but Shan Dan Dan felt Pei Pei was being unreasonable. However, Shan Dan Dan told Pei Pei that she wanted to add Tan Qinghe's fragrance to the jade stones, but Pei Pei disagreed. Seeing that Pei Pei did not agree, Shan Dan Dan decided to do it herself.

After returning, Shan Shuang Shuang was determined to find out the secret of the missing wind pipes. She thought that by pushing the Pei family into a dead end, she might be able to uncover the whereabouts of the wind pipes. At this time, Su Jue came over and was very dissatisfied with Shan Shuang Shuang. But Shan Shuang Shuang felt that Su Jue should not be so angry, as her meeting with Tan Qinghe was just a chance encounter. Furthermore, Shan Shuang Shuang and Su Jue were only in a master-servant relationship, so Su Jue's anger seemed groundless, leaving Su Jue at a loss for words.

Shan Shuang Shuang reported to Su Jue the idea proposed by Manager Wang, wanting to start a crushed jade business. That way, they could continue to compete with the Pei family until the Pei family was pushed into a dead end, leaving them without any competitors. Although angry, Su Jue agreed with Shan Shuang Shuang's proposal.

Pei Pei specially prepared peach pastries to give to Shan Dan Dan in order to make amends. Just then, Tan Qinghe also arrived. Hearing that Tan Qinghe had come, Shan Dan Dan hurriedly went to see him. Worried that Shan Dan Dan was getting too close to Tan Qinghe, Pei Pei quickly followed.

Unexpectedly, Tan Qinghe had lost contact with Pei Qinshi and wanted to discuss with her the proposal he had made to Shan Dan Dan about adding fragrance to the jade stones. Pei Qinshi was very supportive of this idea, feeling that Shan Dan Dan's proposal was quite complete.

At that moment, Pei Pei went out, resolutely opposing their plan. Although the Shou Yu Grand Tournament was lost, they could not use any underhanded tricks. So the two had a heated debate, neither of them willing to concede.

Just then, someone reported that the Magistrate summoned them. When Pei Pei arrived at the Magistrate's mansion, he found Su Jue there as well. The Magistrate showed them scented jade artifacts, as many cities now had such items, which greatly impacted their city. So he asked the two families to come up with even better scented jade artifacts. The two families dared not be negligent and hurried back to work on it.

After Pei Pei returned, he was mocked by Shan Dan Dan. Though he had initially opposed it, he was now being forced to do it by the Magistrate. But Pei Pei was determined to make an even better product than anyone else. Shan Dan Dan also actively kissed Pei Pei a little to comfort and encourage him.

Manager Wang wanted to have Shan Shuang Shuang discuss cooperation matters with Tan Qinghe of Tan Fragrance Hall, as it was the biggest supplier. But Su Jue, feeling jealous, did not want Shan Shuang Shuang to take the lead, and decided to personally go and negotiate with Tan Qinghe.

The next day, at Tan Fragrance Hall, Su Jue also saw Pei Pei there to discuss cooperation. The two of them again engaged in a heated debate, neither willing to concede. However, Shan Dan Dan was waiting for Pei Pei downstairs, so Pei Pei boasted about someone waiting for him, which made Su Jue feel a bit dejected, as Shan Shuang Shuang had not yet accepted his affections, leaving him feeling alone.

Pei Pei obtained the fragrances from Tan Qinghe and went back to research with Shan Dan Dan on how to add them more brilliantly. Su Jue also brought the fragrances back and asked Shan Shuang Shuang for her ideas, as both families were busy with this. Shan Dan Dan thought limestone was the best additive, but Pei Pei felt that jade was more suitable. They hurried to discuss this with the shop owner, only to find that he was upset that his business of carving fragrant stone for Shan Dan Dan had been encroached upon by the Su family, after they lost the Shou Yu Grand Tournament, as everyone was now focused on this, and their sales were further impacted.

Shan Dan Dan went to find her sister, wanting to know why Su Jue had also started grabbing the fragrant stone carving business, but Shan Shuang Shuang claimed she had no knowledge of it. Shan Dan Dan could only go back and think of better ways to save Qipei Hall.