Episode 4 recap: Shan Dan Dan understood Pei Pei's inner turmoil.

Those people around Shan Dan Dan were about to pull out knives, which was extremely dangerous. Shan Dan Dan quickly stepped forward and said that Pei Pei was a first-time visitor and it was all a misunderstanding. Just as those smugglers were about to believe Shan Dan Dan, they discovered that Pei Pei was actually wearing an official's jade pendant. Whether it was real or not, they decided they had to get rid of Pei Pei.

Seeing the situation turning bad, Shan Dan Dan quickly fled with Pei Pei. It turned out that the black market was the business of the Su family. Learning that Pei Pei had caused a ruckus at the black market, they rushed over. This incident was also overheard by Shan Shuang Shuang, who was worried about her sister Shan Dan Dan getting into trouble, so she secretly went to help.

Pei Pei and Shan Dan Dan hid in a corner, trying not to make a sound, but were exposed by a large goose. The two had to come out and fight, but they were no match. Just then, a masked person rushed in, swiftly defeated the group, and then flew away. Pei Pei's servant and A Liu also arrived and escorted the two back to the Qipei Hall.

Pei Pei's arm was stabbed by a knife during the commotion, but she didn't dare tell the old mistress. Shan Dan Dan tenderly treated Pei Pei's wound. Although kept secret, Lady Pei had already learned about the injury on Pei Pei's hand. But knowing that Shan Dan Dan was taking care of Pei Pei, she pretended not to know and asked Shan Dan Dan to continue caring for Pei Pei.

Pei Pei no longer felt that Shan Dan Dan was a rival. She trusted that Shan Dan Dan could represent them at the Jade Competition. Because Pei Pei's visit to the black market had disrupted the business of the Su family's black market, the black market was raided and shut down. The Su family people hated Pei Pei even more, and those smugglers who relied on the black market had no choice but to move to the regular market.

The Su family had previously been suppressed by the Pei family, but they managed to turn the tables by holding some secrets. This was overheard by Shan Shuang Shuang outside the room. At this time, someone reported that the Pei family had also taken over the Su family's jade mine, angering Su Jue to the point of being irreconcilable with Pei Pei.

After Su Jue left the room, Shan Shuang Shuang went in and discovered a hidden compartment. Concerned about being discovered, she quickly left. Shan Dan Dan suggested to the store manager to focus on selling red agate and white jade, which surprisingly led to a surge in sales, impressing Pei Pei.

Although Pei Pei was very skilled, she showed no interest in participating in the Jade Competition even when Shan Dan Dan suggested they could win together. Lady Pei told Shan Dan Dan that Pei Pei used to be the most talented, but something had changed her. She hoped Shan Dan Dan could help bring back the old Pei Pei, as the family was counting on her.

Su Jue also had very thorough preparations for the Jade Carving Competition. She wanted to make a pair of mandarin ducks as the prize-winning work and send it to Shan Dan Dan, obviously with the intention of bribing Shan Shuang Shuang. Shan Dan Dan learned from A Liu that Pei Pei had a grudge after participating in the Jade Carving Competition, but Pei Pei was evasive in explaining it to Shan Dan Dan, which made Shan Dan Dan even more curious about Pei Pei's grudge.

Shan Shuang Shuang infiltrated Su Jue's secret room again, wanting to know the real design of Su Jue's phoenix crown. However, she found that there was only one design draft missing. Just then, Su Jue and her servant also entered the room, and Shan Shuang Shuang had to hide quickly.

Su Jue and her servant discussed not knowing who had taken the other phoenix crown design draft, but they all blamed the Pei family. After Su Jue left, Shan Shuang Shuang emerged, but she was curious that the phoenix crown presented as a tribute was also not in the Su family's possession. Shan Shuang Shuang went to worship her father's grave alone, reflecting on her father's dying words that he was used by others, and that the amber on the phoenix crown could not be used for medicine. Her father told her to protect herself and not seek revenge before he passed away.

Shan Shuang Shuang felt that there were no clues in her infiltration of the Su family, so the clues might be at the Pei family. Pei Pei, recalling what Shan Dan Dan had said about him being talented but too afraid to participate in the Jade Carving Competition, was saddened. He picked up a carving knife, wanting to carve, but because of his inner turmoil, he was unable to focus. Therefore, Pei Pei drowned his sorrows in alcohol, and Shan Dan Dan came to keep him company.

Shan Dan Dan praised Pei Pei, saying that although he seemed cynical, it was all just an act, and his talents should be recognized. However, Pei Pei recalled how his father had scolded him for carving the phoenix crown when he was young, accusing him of stealing their family's property. His father had forbidden him from participating in the Jade Carving Competition and carving anymore, and when Pei Pei argued, his father had twisted his wrist, causing him to lose his ambition and spend his days indulging in drinking and pleasure-seeking to spite his father.

After learning about Pei Pei's inner turmoil, Shan Dan Dan felt that Pei Pei was still excellent, and as long as he regained his confidence, he still had hope. This deeply moved Pei Pei, and he impulsively kissed Shan Dan Dan's forehead. Shan Dan Dan was very surprised, but at that moment, the drunken Pei Pei had fallen asleep on Shan Dan Dan's shoulder.