Episode 7 recap: Pei Pei missed winning the championship at the Struggle for Jade competition.

Shan Dan Dan's investigation found that the mole in the Qipeige was actually Cuiliu, so she gave Cuiliu a sarcastic dressing down. Although the blueprints were stolen by Cuiliu and given to Su Jue, they have now regained fairness. They paid the price but have also lost the battle, leaving Cuiliu at a loss for words. Pei Pei instructed all the subordinates to listen to Shan Dan Dan from now on, no matter what she does in the future they must obey, whether she wants to spend money freely or make changes to the business, they cannot object, otherwise they will be executed.

The lord opened the jade stone originally sent by Su Jue's uncle, and found it was the same as Pei Pei's jade fan, shocking everyone present. Su Jue was also very surprised, as the spy had brought back the jade ornament, but the uncle had already discovered that Pei Pei had changed the subject matter and replaced it with the jade fan ahead of time, proving he was a cunning old fox.

Su Jue told the lord that the jade fan was his own work, but it was lost by the time of the competition, so he presented the pre-made jade fan as a birthday gift to the lord. Su Jue was clearly implying that Pei Pei had stolen his work and entered the Struggle for Jade competition with it. Although Pei Pei and Shan Dan Dan tried to defend themselves, no one believed them.

The lord blamed Pei Pei for plagiarizing and stealing, and no matter how Pei Pei explained, it was useless. The lord directly punished Qipeige with a permanent ban from the Struggle for Jade competition, and the crowd there denounced Qipeige. Many Qipeige shareholders learned of the Struggle for Jade disgrace and withdrew their investments, clearing out all the jade items from the store. Now the Pei family has fallen into a disastrous state, but Lady Pei told everyone not to be discouraged, that with confidence they can start over despite the difficult situation.

However, Lady Pei needs to thoroughly investigate the mole. Shan Dan Dan and Pei Pei performed excellently in the Struggle for Jade, so she does not blame them. Lady Pei had everyone leave, only keeping Pei Pei behind to talk. She feels Pei Pei regaining his carving skills is a success, and the win or loss does not matter too much, nor should they be bothered by Su Jue's schemes. Under their management, Qipeige will recover, and Lady Pei has great confidence in Pei Pei and Shan Dan Dan.

Pei Pei and Shan Dan Dan found Red Smoke in the teahouse and questioned her about leaking the secrets, but Red Smoke, though unable to help Pei Pei make the jade figurine, did not admit to leaking the jade fan secrets. Pei Pei does not doubt Red Smoke's words, so the real mole must be someone else, and they need to investigate further.

Although Su Jue won the championship of the Dou Yu Grand Tournament, she was not happy in her heart, because Pei Pei's craftsmanship indeed made Su Jue jealous, so the biggest hidden danger is still Pei Pei's carving skills. Meanwhile, Shan Shuang Shuang also felt that Pei Pei's craftsmanship was indeed worth doubting, and there was a possibility that she had been undercover in the Su family from the beginning, so she invited Su Jue out for a drink to further understand the matter about the phoenix crown.

Since Shan Dan Dan and Pei Pei got together, Cui Liu has become even more resentful of Shan Dan Dan, so she always takes the opportunity to bully Shan Dan Dan, but Shan Dan Dan is not a pushover either, and they started to argue. However, Cui Liu had planned in advance, asking Shan Dan Dan to throw away some of the waste jade pieces from the craftsmen, and Shan Dan Dan, who was reluctant to waste the materials, collected them all to take away, which exactly fell into Cui Liu's trap, accusing Shan Dan Dan of stealing and directly bringing her to Pei Qin Shi for punishment.

Pei Qin Shi questioned Shan Dan Dan for not stealing valuable things but wanting to steal the waste pieces, but Shan Dan Dan said it was all Pei Pei's idea to make good use of the waste pieces, so she wanted to take them out and sell them as jewelry for her sister. Pei Qin Shi thought Shan Dan Dan's idea was good, as the jade could not only be sold to officials and nobles, but also to ordinary people, and praised Shan Dan Dan's good idea, so Cui Liu not only failed to bully Shan Dan Dan, but also helped her instead.

Shan Dan Dan prepared breakfast for Pei Pei early in the morning and sent it over, and Cui Liu also hurried over to ingratiate herself with Pei Pei by sending her a pot of tea, but she did not get a good response from Pei Pei. Pei Pei stood up for Shan Dan Dan in front of all the servants, so from then on Shan Dan Dan could do whatever she wanted and spend money however she wanted, which made Shan Dan Dan even more arrogant.

Shan Dan Dan invited her sister Shan Shuang Shuang out to tell her the idea of developing the jade waste pieces, and her sister fully agreed and promised to help her draw blueprints and designs, but they could not let it be known, after all, the relationship between the Su family and the Pei family was not good, and they couldn't let Su Jue know about it. After returning to the Su family, Shan Shuang Shuang went to visit the manager Wang, Su Jue's uncle, and felt that Pei Pei's failure in the Dou Yu Grand Tournament must be his doing, but Manager Wang felt that although the Pei family had lost, their family was powerful and would not easily collapse.

A Six gave a doll to Shan Dan Dan, which was seen by Cui Liu, who then went up to accuse Shan Dan Dan and A Six of having a secret affair and betraying Pei Pei. Unexpectedly, Pei Pei happened to pass by and told Cui Liu that it was Pei Pei who sent him to give the doll to Shan Dan Dan, so Cui Liu has been hating Shan Dan Dan irrationally.

Cui Liu hurriedly explained that she did not hate Shan Dan Dan and wanted to give Shan Dan Dan a gift, but the gift turned out to be a lipstick. Pei Pei asked Cui Liu to try it on herself first, and then Cui Liu immediately admitted her mistake, saying that there was poison in it. Pei Pei was so angry that she directly expelled Cui Liu from the house and did not employ her anymore.