Episode 2 recap: Song Shi Jie suspected San Niang.

Song Shi Jie, holding a telescope, saw Ling Long buying something and felt that there must be some insider information inside. San Niang is using this to deceive customers, so Song Shi Jie used this to blackmail San Niang. San Niang reluctantly pretended to give her handkerchief to Song Shi Jie to hide this secret. Ling Long was very dissatisfied but took advantage of Song Shi Jie in this way.

Song A Jiu believed that with Song Shi Jie's intelligence and eloquence, he could definitely become an official or even the top scholar in the imperial examination. So why is he now investigating cases together with me in this run-down temple? Song Shi Jie encouraged Song A Jiu not to lose heart, saying that he might find the murderer, and after solving this case, they would receive a reward and live a comfortable life.

Song Shi Jie thought that Ling Long must be a suspect, and Song A Jiu thought she was ugly and could also be a suspect, but fortunately, Song Shi Jie didn't suspect himself. San Niang believed that Song Shi Jie had no martial arts skills and even if he discovered something, he wouldn't be able to find her.

Ling Long disliked San Niang using charm techniques on her. He Shou Xin instructed Song Shi Jie to keep the golden medal for him, fearing that his official hat on his head would be lost. He then led them to the mortuary and hurriedly left. Song A Jiu couldn't understand why an official could be so timid.

Song Shi Jie and Song A Jiu arrived at the mortuary to see the corpse. They noticed a palm print on the chest of the corpse and believed that this palm print was the key. Only someone with strong martial arts skills could leave such a mark. Song Shi Jie then went to investigate other places and suddenly smelled something strange. Song A Jiu thought someone was eating pancakes outside, but when they came out, they discovered that Niu Da Chun had captured them and taken them to the official's office.

Song Shi Jie saw the prisoners in the prison being tortured and felt very anxious. In fact, he was afraid of being imprisoned. He had witnessed people dying in prison since he was a child and was familiar with the unfair laws. He wanted to come out and fight for justice. He Shou Xin quickly came over and wanted to secretly release Song Shi Jie. When Song Shi Jie came out, he angrily pointed at the moon and said that after finally escaping for more than ten years, he was dragged back into the officialdom and vowed to disrupt it.

Song Shi Jie saw Niu Da Chun entering Yi Chun Ge and found the people inside very suspicious. Song A Jiu believed that they were now fugitives and needed to calmly avoid those people's eyes. Song A Jiu and Song Shi Jie disguised themselves as maids and started working in Yi Chun Ge.

When they heard that they were refugee women, San Niang had no choice but to take them in and couldn't ruin her reputation.

Song Shi Jie felt that Hu Zi, who was not entering the tiger's den, had a guest at this moment who was drunk and wanted to call for Ye San Niang. Song Shi Jie used his eloquence to persuade the man not to commit suicide.

Ling Long thought that Song Shi Jie still had some ability, so she stopped making things difficult for the two of them. Song A Jiu believed that Ling Long didn't have the ability to kill someone. When San Niang heard that Song Shi Jie had helped her solve a problem, she wanted to reward him. Song Shi Jie even took the initiative to take on the task of cleaning the toilet, making San Niang trust him even more.

Song Shi Jie and Song A Jiu were checking if they had placed something in the wrong position on the chest. It happened to be seen by Xiao Feng, who thought they had strange fetishes. Just as Song Shi Jie and Song A Jiu arrived at the bathhouse, male customers pulled them into the water to serve them.

When Song Shi Jie and Chen Song A Jiu were not paying attention, they accidentally overturned something in Ling Long's bucket. Ling Long didn't realize that Song Shi Jie did it on purpose. Song Shi Jie felt that there must be a problem on the top floor, and that the spider demon might be San Niang.

While chatting, Xiao Feng noticed that these two people were slacking off again. Song Shi Jie explained awkwardly. While the fisherman was fishing, he suddenly saw a corpse floating on the lake surface and was scared away. Another person approached and found that the corpse had been brutally killed, with its genitals missing, and a spider hanging from its body.

He Shou Xin saw another murder case and was at a loss. When he heard someone say it was something that happened in Yi Chun Ge, he led the officials to investigate. San Niang directly told He Shou Xin that there was no problem here, and if there were, she would offer Yi Chun Ge herself.

Song A Jiu approached He Shou Xin and transmitted the secret signal, prompting He Shou Xin to investigate from above. San Niang hurriedly followed. He Shou Xin asked Song A Jiu to stand in front of him and took the opportunity to kick Song A Jiu inside. San Niang became flustered.