Episode 37 recap: Xu Meng An persuaded Li Lin to go work in Beijing.

Jia Hao Wen's father-in-law encouraged him to get his spirits up again. Now that the father-in-law is getting old, he no longer cares much for material comforts, and they already have the four things that ordinary people envy: delicious steamed buns, slow-cooked chicken, a good night's sleep, and a loving longtime spouse. So he told Jia Hao Wen not to worry, and to provide financial support for the young couple, the father-in-law handed over the property deed to Jia Hao Wen.

Seeing the bright red deed book in his hands, Jia Hao Wen was moved to tears, as his father had always given him the property deed whenever the family faced a crisis, a testament to his deep love. Xu Meng An called a family meeting, first to announce that he would be taking a break from work to stay at home, and second to openly support Li Lin being able to go back to work in Beijing.

Li Jing was initially strongly opposed, but later when she heard Xu Meng An say that the Beijing job was very important, she also voiced her support for Xu Meng An. However, Li Lin looked dejected, saying he had already rejected Mei Yi Duo. After the family meeting, Li Lin got angry at Xu Meng An in the bedroom, feeling that his wife had made the decision without communicating with him, which was disrespectful. He also pointed out that Li Jing was about to give birth, so she could not replace his role.

Xu Meng An knew her husband was worried about her, and patiently explained that Mei Yi Duo had already seen her, and was impressed by the lab proposal Li Lin had made, feeling that her husband was very talented and should not have his career development held back by family matters. As Xu Meng An spoke, she started to cry, and Li Lin tenderly embraced his wife, moved by her emotions.

Cloud Stairs was very excited to hear that her father had a chance to work in Beijing, the capital city with so many good job opportunities. She couldn't understand why her father would refuse, perhaps he was still reluctant to leave home. Going to Beijing could allow him to gain more work experience and improve the family's quality of life.

Li Jing reproached her, saying that instead of interfering with adults' matters, she should focus more on her own academic performance.

Xu Meng Xin started her new job, and Jia Hao Wen didn't want to worry his parents, so he changed into a neat outfit and left with his briefcase. Seeing their son-in-law finally go out with energy, the father-in-law and mother-in-law were especially delighted, and immediately went to the market to buy salted fish as a good luck charm. Xu Meng Xin received a call from her parents during her lunch break, and found Jia Hao Wen deep in thought in the rented factory space. She told him that failure is not something to be afraid of - they have the patience to learn from their mistakes and regroup.

Li Lin decided to take the job in Beijing. As he was leaving, he bid farewell to Xu Meng An and Cloud Stairs. Cloud Stairs didn't want a sentimental atmosphere, and asked if he was leaving for good. Li Lin quickly reassured her that it was just a temporary separation, and he would return home as soon as he finished his lab work. Xu Meng An stayed home, taking care of Cloud Stairs' daily needs, and went to the hospital for pregnancy checkups. In the evenings, she video-called Li Lin. Three months passed, and after Xu Meng An's checkup, Li Jing went to the pharmacy to pick up her medication. Xu Meng An noticed that the other pregnant women had their husbands accompany them and fuss over them, and felt a bit lonely.

Xu Meng Xin worked at an art gallery, and sometimes also designed clothes. The gallery was owned by an old classmate who had once pursued Xu Meng Xin but been rejected. Now with the chance to work together, the classmate's wandering hands couldn't stay still. Xu Meng Xin accidentally overheard him talking to someone else, and in a fit of anger, she directly threw water at him and stormed out with her bag.