Episode 7 recap: Shen Yu Rong helped Xue Fang Fei enter the Ming Yi Hall.

Shen Yu Rong was manipulated by Wan Ning, who disliked his pure white appearance and enjoyed seeing him restrain his discomfort. Wan Ning wanted to interfere with the new policy, but Shen Yu Rong was unwilling to comply, even if it meant kneeling to beg for forgiveness.Hong Xiao Di handed the annual exam to Shen Yu Rong, indicating he trusted him. Wan Ning suddenly appeared and proposed a good idea - to have male-female pairs take the exam. Hong Xiao Di accused her of causing trouble, saying the Ming Yi Hall and the Imperial Academy should not be mixed. Wan Ning told him not to underestimate women's capabilities, citing her own experience as a hostage that brought peace to the Great Yan. Hong Xiao Di could not refute her, so he agreed to her plan.

Wan Ning scolded Shen Yu Rong, telling him to obey her and prove his abilities in front of Hong Xiao Di. Shen Yu Rong had no choice but to submit.

Xue Fang Fei was teaching Tong Er calligraphy when Jiang Jing Rui came to inform them that the annual exam would be combined between the Imperial Academy and the Ming Yi Hall. Xue Fang Fei decided to participate herself since Shen Yu Rong was in charge of the exam. Jiang Jing Rui, who was worried about finding a female partner, suggested Xue Fang Fei join him. He laughed, thinking Xue Fang Fei was being ridiculous, as the Ming Yi Hall only accepted the most talented and beautiful women.

Xue Fang Fei asked Jiang Lao Fu Ren for help, acknowledging her poor reputation at the Zheng Nü Hall, and hoping to gain a good name by studying at the Ming Yi Hall. Jiang Lao Fu Ren thought it was a good idea and had Jiang Yuan Bai evaluate Xue Fang Fei's calligraphy. Ji Shu Ran suggested testing Xue Fang Fei to see if she was qualified for the Ming Yi Hall, causing Jiang Yuan Bai to consult Shen Yu Rong instead of Jiang Jing Rui.

Shen Yu Rong felt uneasy about the prospect of Xue Fang Fei entering the Ming Yi Hall. Ji Shu Ran met with Shen Yu Rong privately and bribed his servant, hoping Shen Yu Rong would dislike Xue Fang Fei, knowing his humble origins made him disinclined towards the wealthy elite.

Xue Fang Fei saw Shen Yu Rong and couldn't help but tremble. She forced a smile despite the anger in her heart. When Shen Yu Rong saw her, it was as if he was seeing his ex-wife, and he couldn't help but be a bit impolite. Xue Fang Fei didn't let him off the hook, asking if he had been to Qingcheng Mountain, which made Shen Yu Rong recall the moments when he buried his ex-wife alive.

Xue Fang Fei said she was pitiful, having been sent by her family to the Virtuous Women's Hall, hinting that her husband had killed her. She hoped Shen Yu Rong wouldn't show favoritism. Shen Yu Rong suggested delaying his studies by two years, deliberately avoiding Xue Fang Fei, who criticized and complained to him word by word.

In front of Ji Shu Ran, Shen Yu Rong asked Jiang Yunbai to delay Xue Fang Fei's entrance by a year. When Jiang Yunbai saw Shen Yu Rong off, Shen Yu Rong praised Xue Fang Fei as someone truly fit for scholarly pursuits. Jiang Ruoyao loudly protested, not wanting to study in the same hall as Xue Fang Fei.

Xiao Heng had someone continue to keep an eye on Li Zhongnan, wanting to lure the snake out of its hole. He heard that Shen Yu Rong had helped Xue Fang Fei enter the Ming Yi Hall and thought it would be an interesting show. After returning, Shen Yu Rong kept thinking about Xue Fang Fei's words, rushing to Qingcheng Mountain at night to exhume the grave mound and verify Xue Fang Fei's identity, relieved to find the bamboo flute still there.

Tong'er at home warned Xue Fang Fei to be careful, as Xue Fang Fei went to study at the Ming Yi Hall. However, when leaving, there was no carriage, and Jiang Ruoyao deliberately occupied the seat. Fortunately, Jiang Jingrui stepped in and let Xue Fang Fei use his carriage. Jiang Jingrui thought Xue Fang Fei was going to the Ming Yi Hall to see Zhou Yanbang and advised her not to pursue an engaged man.

Xue Fang Fei expressed her desire to be the top scorer in the annual examinations, much to Jiang Jingrui's disbelief. He analyzed the hierarchy of the Ming Yi Hall, divided into officials' children and prominent families, and believed Xue Fang Fei had no chance of competing with them. Xue Fang Fei spotted Ye Shijie in the crowd, learning that he was her cousin and known for his exceptional talents, and that he had not yet formed a study group.

As Xue Fang Fei entered the school, Jiang Ruoyao deliberately embarrassed her, pretending to be friendly but not giving her a seat. When Xiao Deying conducted a test, Liuxu fell asleep and snored in the hall, and Xue Fang Fei woke her up. After class, Zhou Yanbang brought pastries for Jiang Ruoyao, but was captivated by Xue Fang Fei.

A male student from the Imperial College deliberately harassed Xue Fang Fei, and Liuxu stepped in to defend her, but she didn't think highly of Xue Fang Fei, believing her to have hidden agendas. Wen Ji found information about a Ji Mo Gongzi from Qiantang, and the tea house Xiao Heng frequented was occupied by the two sons of the Li family, with Li Jing brandishing a dagger at Xiao Heng.