Episode 6 recap: The young master of the Zhao family did not take a fancy to Xue Fang Fei.

Jiang Ruo Yao was itching all over, with a rash on her face. Ji Shu Ran was extremely anxious, believing that the sandalwood given by Xue Fang Fei caused Jiang Ruo Yao's allergic reaction. The maidservant was hesitant and falsely accused the earrings given by Xue Fang Fei of containing sandalwood. Jiang Yunbai personally removed and examined the earrings, finding that they did indeed contain sandalwood.

Xue Fang Fei responded calmly. She stated that she did not put any sandalwood in the earrings. Ji Shu Ran said they had caught her red-handed and demanded an explanation from her. Xue Fang Fei proposed that she and Jiang Ruo Yao spend time alone together, as she had a way to alleviate Jiang Ruo Yao's discomfort.

Ji Shu Ran was not reassured, but Jiang Yunbai wanted to give her a chance. After everyone left, Xue Fang Fei realized this was Jiang Ruo Yao's false-injury scheme, as she wanted Jiang Ruo Yao to admit that she was jealous of Xue Fang Fei.

Jiang Ruo Yao refused to listen to the explanation, believing that Jiang Yunbai trusted her more. Xue Fang Fei anticipated the subsequent developments and realized that it was Xiang Qiao who had switched the earrings, as the high-priced earrings Xue Fang Fei had bought from the Auspicious Building had been replaced with fakes, with both witness testimony and physical evidence pointing to Xiang Qiao.

Tong Er had secretly observed and discovered that Yun Shuang had a conflict with Xiang Qiao. Jiang Ruo Yao believed that Xue Fang Fei had incited the two maids, but Xue Fang Fei stated that this was for her own self-protection, as she could not let her reputation be tarnished again.

Xue Fang Fei did not want to be enemies with Jiang Ruo Yao. She had only come back to reclaim her own belongings and hoped that Jiang Ruo Yao would reflect on the matter. Ji Shu Ran and the others stood outside, deliberately saying that Xue Fang Fei could not handle this matter.

Jiang Ruo Yao came out to clarify, saying she had misunderstood Xue Fang Fei, and the matter was resolved. After Jiang Yunbai left, Jiang Ruo Yao blamed Ji Shu Ran for coming up with such a bad idea, causing her to suffer in vain, and demanded the antidote from him. When Jiang Lao Fu Ren learned of this, she had Zhang the Matron brew a pear soup and invited Xue Fang Fei over, wanting to inquire about the situation and ensure that Xue Fang Fei would not be misunderstood again.

Jiang Lao Fu Ren had Zhang the Matron rearrange the maids, dragging away Xiang Qiao and Yun Shuang, who had caused chaos in the manor, to be sold. Jiang Jingyu admired Xue Fang Fei, believing that she had even gotten the grandmother involved in resolving the domestic matter, and he greatly liked the small turtle that Xue Fang Fei had given him.

Jiang Lao Fu Ren felt guilty towards Xue Fang Fei, as she was aware of Ji Shu Ran's schemes but could not interfere too much. Zhang the Matron sent the maidservant Bai Xue to Xue Fang Fei, and Xue Fang Fei learned that Bai Xue was from Zaohuan Village, which reminded her of her own maidservant, Haitang.

Bai Xue had not heard of Haitang's name before and said she would write a letter back home to have her family inquire about it.

Tong Er is puzzled, and Xue Fang Fei is worried that Hai Tang may also fall victim to a sinister plot. She hopes to find out the truth about her being framed in the past. Jiang Yunbai feels sympathy for Ji Shu Ran's hardship, and remembers her appearance from back then, as he's been troubled by the family affairs.

Ji Shu Ran pretends to be virtuous, wanting to arrange a marriage for Xue Fang Fei. She praises the excellence of the young son of the Minister of Personnel, Zhao Qi, believing he is a good choice. Jiang Yunbai agrees and informs Xue Fang Fei. Xue Fang Fei guesses that Ji Shu Ran doesn't want her to stay at home, but Tong Er says Zhao Qi is indeed outstanding, and Xue Fang Fei suspects something is amiss.

The Jiang family invites the Zhao family over, arranging for the two to meet. Zhao Qi is indeed handsome and talented, and they chat privately. Zhao Qi directly tells Xue Fang Fei that he wants her to marry into the Zhao family to continue their lineage, as he is attracted to her beauty. Xue Fang Fei sees through Zhao Qi's motives and correctly guesses that he has someone outside, scolding him harshly.

Zhao Qi is worried his family will find out, and in front of both sets of parents, he states that he is not interested in Xue Fang Fei. Xue Fang Fei is reminded of her late friend Dai Yun, who she hated for his womanizing and treating women as mere childbearing tools. Xiao Heng leads people to ambush the Yang family, and discovers that Yang Song has hanged himself, realizing he has fallen into a trap.

At the imperial court, Kongzhaofen of the Salt and Iron Bureau requests a chance to redeem himself, and Hong Xiaodie hopes he can handle it carefully. Shen Yurong reforms the imperial examination system, wanting to give more opportunities to students from humble backgrounds. Li Zhongnan believes the previous examination system should not be abolished, fearing that outstanding candidates may be overlooked. Jiang Yunbai disagrees, believing the old system easily led to collusion between officials and influential families, and hopes to reform it from an educational perspective.

Hong Xiaodie knows the new policies will have shortcomings in the initial stage, and authorizes Shen Yurong to preside over a trial examination, hoping to select excellent talents who aspire to be officials. Li Zhongnan summons his son Li Jin and Li Lian, as the Salt and Iron Bureau's silver has run out and they cannot plug the hole. They plan to target Ye Shijie from the Ye family, though they have not found the opportunity yet, and Li Zhongnan says he will pave the way for them.