Episode 7 recap: Rong Li has been thrown into prison.

Rong Li asked Wen Xuan Pei if he would still be willing to let Zhen Zhen Qin enter the palace if they could start over, but Wen Xuan did not directly answer the question. However, they both wanted to avoid many things from happening. They first went to find Young Master Qin and delivered an invitation letter, this time hoping to rally Young Master Qin to become the Crown Prince's confidant, but Young Master Qin did not come out to meet them. Wen Xuan also told Rong Li not to worry, as they would find a way.

Rong Li got a bit tired from walking, so she had Wen Xuan carry her back. Rong Li fell asleep in the carriage, and Wen Xuan gently moved her to the side. As soon as Wen Xuan got out of the carriage, he was seized by soldiers, who claimed that Sixth Master had died and Wen Xuan was the prime suspect, so they wanted to bring him to the palace for investigation. Rong Li stated that Wen Xuan was her man, but he was still taken away.

Rong Li urgently wrote to her brother Chuan Li, and after learning that Wen Xuan had been imprisoned, she personally went to the prison to visit him. Rong Li told him not to worry, as she would find a way no matter what. Chuan Li also went to find Young Master Qin, but Young Master Qin would not receive guests, which was actually arranged by Rong Li. Chuan Li was in no hurry and waited patiently outside, prepared to wait for the long term.

Su Rong Qing personally poured a cup of tea for Rong Li, and Rong Li inquired about their coincidental meeting at the manor the other day. Su Rong Qing had already fallen for Rong Li and could feel his affection for her, but Rong Li suddenly remembered that Wen Xuan had said the person who wanted to kill her was Su Rong Qing, so she quickly restrained her emotions.

Su Rong Qing learned that Rong Li wanted to review many books, so he waited behind the screen, sketching Rong Li's face by candlelight, unable to suppress a smile. In fact, Sixth Master was not dead - he was planning to escape at night when no one was around, but he was discovered by Rong Li's subordinate. Sixth Master had already guessed Rong Li's true identity, and now someone was trying to kill him, as his collaborators no longer wanted to keep him around. Rong Li wanted to cooperate with Sixth Master, and kindly told him not to be too obsessed with certain matters.

Chuan Li waited at the door for Young Master Qin, but he did not come out. Feeling down, Chuan Li went to the waterfall to vent his emotions, unexpectedly encountering Zhen Zhen Qin. The two could be said to have become acquainted through a scuffle, as Zhen Zhen almost fell into the valley, but Chuan Li quickly grabbed her waist to save her. Zhen Zhen had acted because Chuan Li had scared away her prey, just wanting to scare him a bit, and then she left. But the seeds of love had quietly taken root between the two.

The evidence from the Yang family has not yet officially fallen into Rong Li and Chuan Li's hands. Chuan Li was waiting at the door when he unexpectedly encountered Zhen Zhen Qin again. Zhen Zhen guessed Chuan Li's identity and truthfully told him her name.

Li Chuan expressed his aspirations and ideals, but Qin Zhenzen did not respond. After returning home, she also spoke well of Li Chuan in front of her brother.

Li Chuan soon found that only his sister and Pei Wenxuan were framed and imprisoned. At this point, Qin Zhenzen also came over. In fact, Qin Zhenzen had already persuaded her brother, but the young master Qin also had his own ideas, feeling that his sister was still too naive. Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong were separated by only a fence. Li Rong secretly told Pei Wenxuan after the others left that things had already been done by two-tenths.

Ning Fei also learned that the Sixth Young Master had not been killed and became very angry. The maid rearranged the prison again, and after everyone left, Pei Wenxuan wanted to know if the young master Qin had agreed. Li Rong began to mock Pei Wenxuan about being abandoned by his in-laws, and Pei Wenxuan expressed that it was an unavoidable move. Pei Wenxuan, in a bad mood, guessed that it must have been the Sixth Young Master, and said that he would help her in the future, otherwise it would be him who would suffer.

To cheer Li Rong up, Pei Wenxuan showed her the painting of Li Rong he had done. Li Chuan brought Qin Zhenzen, and Li Rong never expected it to be her. Qin Zhenzen greeted Pei Wenxuan after seeing him, and the two had not seen each other for four years, so they felt a little strange. Li Rong listened to them secretly and learned that Qin Zhenzen had always only seen Pei Wenxuan as an elder brother, and the two had no feelings for each other, which made Li Rong laugh involuntarily.

In fact, the reason why the young master Qin had not shown up was that he wanted to see how sincere the Crown Prince was, and now he had agreed to help the Crown Prince. They were still discussing that the encounter between the Crown Prince and Qin Zhenzen was a little early, but because of Qin Zhenzen, Li Chuan's personality had changed greatly, and the two empresses had framed each other in the palace, which eventually led to Qin Zhenzen losing her life.

Before her death, Qin Zhenzen asked Pei Wenxuan for help, and Pei Wenxuan went to plead with the Emperor to see Qin Zhenzen.