Episode 5 recap: The Emperor used Pei Wen Xuan to eliminate the Yang family.

The Emperor summoned Pei Wen Xuan privately and went with him to the rear garden, intending to attack him. But Pei Wen Xuan suddenly appeared aggrieved and explained that the Empress intended to establish a marriage alliance with the Yang family, and the previous incident was just a performance of a heroic rescue. He also confessed that he had been forced to spend a night alone with the Princess, and had no choice but to seek the Emperor's help.

Upon hearing this, the Emperor fell silent for a moment, intending to guide Pei Wen Xuan to elaborate further. Pei Wen Xuan then analyzed the harm the Yang family posed to the Great Xia Dynasty. In fact, the Yangs had been domineering in the border regions for years, maintaining their own armies and always demanding money, grain, and troops from the court whenever there was a war. Outwardly, it appeared they were defending against the enemy and winning glorious battles, but they never sent troops to root out the enemy.

Therefore, there was a popular rhyme circulating: "In the south, there is the Li; in the north, the Yang - two emperors in Xia." This showed the immense power the Yang family wielded in the northwest. Throughout the court, both civil and military officials feared and respected the Yangs - feared their military might, and respected their steadfast defense of the borders. However, in the past winter, when the enemy launched an attack again, the Yangs surrendered without a fight, losing two cities, and were utterly defeated by an enemy force of 20,000 with their own 50,000 troops. Pei Wen Xuan knew the Emperor was secretly investigating the Yangs, so he boldly stated that the Yangs had been bribing the enemy with military supplies, and their so-called battles were just a staged performance in collusion with the enemy.

Hearing this, the Emperor pretended to reprimand Pei Wen Xuan in a low voice, testing whether he was worthy of an important task. Pei Wen Xuan declared his loyalty without hesitation, flattering the Emperor skillfully, which eased the Emperor's mind. The Emperor then decided to appoint Pei Wen Xuan to personally kill Yang Quan as a betrothal gift to marry Princess Li Rong of Ping Le.

After Pei Wen Xuan left the palace, the Emperor instructed the chief eunuch that if Pei Wen Xuan's mission succeeded, he should be allowed to enter the palace to meet the Emperor. But if he failed, he should be silenced and the news of the meeting should be sealed. Meanwhile, Li Rong explained to Li Chuan the pros and cons of the Yang family, hoping he would maintain his innocence and leave the rest to her to handle.

After leaving the East Palace, Li Rong's sedan chair crossed paths with Pei Wen Xuan's. She presented him with the Crown Prince's sword, both as a token of gratitude for saving her life and a symbol of their alliance. Hearing that Pei Wen Xuan had gained the favor of the Emperor, Empress, and Princess, Yang Wan decided to send assassins to ambush and kill him on his way.

Although Su Rong Qing received a report that there would be a disturbance in the city that day, when he led the guards from the Ministry of Justice to arrest the perpetrators, they found Yang Quan's body lying in the street, and Pei Wen Xuan had disappeared into the crowd with Tong Ye. The news of Yang Quan's death shocked the court. Angered, Yang Wan ordered her family to evacuate from the capital and sent a message to her father at the border, instructing him to keep an eye on the Emperor's every move.

Meanwhile, Li Rong went to see the Emperor under the pretext of offering flowers, patiently waiting outside the hall while the Emperor was in a meeting with several officials, and had an extra chair brought in.

Soon, Pei Wen Xuan came rushing to the palace, pretending to be flustered and panicked. Li Rong looked him up and down, revealing a confident smile.

When summoned by the Emperor, the two entered the palace together. Pei Wen Xuan put on a dramatic performance, reporting in a trembling voice how he had accidentally killed Yang Quan. His every word sent shivers down the spines of the ministers. Pei's two uncles were nearly scared out of their wits, fearing his actions would bring ruin to their family. However, the Emperor deliberately mentioned Yang Quan's negligence in defending the city, using it as a pretext to order a full investigation into Yang Quan's kidnapping of the princess and assassination of court officials.

The powerful families were reluctant to get embroiled in such a power struggle, as the death of a centipede does not mean the other legs will stop moving. Li Rong seized the opportunity to request to lead the investigation into the Yang family, with Su Rong Qing appointed as the inspector. With the matter settled, the Emperor's mood gradually eased, and he dismissed everyone except Li Rong. The Emperor then indirectly inquired about Li Rong's impressions of Pei Wen Xuan, stating that Pei was of excellent character and conduct, and that marrying him would be advantageous for Li Rong. Li Rong feigned distress but ultimately acquiesced to the proposed marriage.

In the corridor, Pei Wen Xuan purposefully waited for Li Rong, questioning her decision to have Su Rong Qing oversee the investigation, when in reality he was using official business to pursue his own interests. Later, Li Rong returned to the palace to investigate further, uncovering that a palace maid had been secretly involved with Yang Quan, who had promised to take her as a concubine after marrying the Princess. Saddened by this, Li Rong decided to spare the maid's life and send her to a nunnery. Su Rong Qing inquired about his father's stance on the Yang family case, and his father bluntly stated that the Yang family was closely tied to the entire clan, and that preserving the Yang family was crucial for the survival of their own family.

The next morning, civil and military officials assembled in the palace, waiting for the Emperor's summons. Li Rong scanned the crowd but did not see the person she was looking for, until she spotted a yawning Pei Wen Xuan, seemingly having not slept all night. As the ministers gradually entered the palace, only Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan remained outside. Li Rong simply stood by Pei's side, allowing him to doze off for a while.

The Emperor briefly discussed the Yang family matter, intending to formally indict them. Most ministers chose to remain silent, while a few pleaded for the Yang family. Facing this situation, the Emperor summoned Li Rong and Pei Wen Xuan to testify before the assembled officials.