
Plot Synopsis

Based on the female novel "Her Islands" by the Douban Reading author Yi Nan, the story revolves around three generations of the Meng family. It mainly tells the warm story of the eldest sister Meng Mingwei, the three sisters with differentpersonalities - Meng Wanqing, Meng Yian, and their respective daughters - as they experience various family, marriage, and relationshipissues, supporting each other and growing individually.

The strict matriarch of the Meng family, Qiao Haiyun, has always had a rule that everyone must come home for the New Year. No one has ever broken this rule until the honest third generation, Li Yijin, suddenly breaks tradition and goes to her boyfriend's home for the New Year, causing family conflicts. Qiao Haiyun has three daughters. The eldest, Meng Mingwei, is not her biological daughter. Due to her insecurity from a limp, she hopes her daughter will succeed in life. Her relationshipwith her daughter, Li Yijin, is very tense. However, they eventually understand each other's difficulties and realize that maintaining an appropriate distance is the key to maintaining a good mother-daughter relationship.

The second daughter, Meng Wanqing, and her academically excellent daughter, Tao Shuna, have a seeminglyperfect mother-daughter relationship. However, the two open-minded individuals unintentionally discover each other's secrets, leading to aprocess of rediscovering themselves and each other. They eventually understand that aperfect mother-daughter relationshipis not about concealing flaws but supporting each other.

The youngest daughter, Meng Yian, is most similar to Qiao Haiyun - strong and independent. She doesn't want to become a strong woman like her mother, but through a series of coincidences, she ends upon the samepath as her mother. Balancing career and familyproves to be challenging, and it gradually helps her understand her mother's struggles. The women of the Meng family, spanning three generations, are like islands. Although they are distant from each other, they support and coexist with one another.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-20
  • 21-25
  • 26-30
  • 31-35
  • 36-39

Cast & Role

Tao Shu Na

Tao Shu Na
(Sun Qian)

Tao Da Lei

Tao Da Lei
(Liu Jun)

Meng Yi An

Meng Yi An
(Li Xiao Ran)

Meng Ming Wei

Meng Ming Wei
(Xu Fan)