Episode Guide

Episode 1: Du Ru Yu goes on blind dates with her daughters, but various unexpected situations arise.

Chun Pei Lan was making rose egg pastries when she was about to experience the biggest change in her life. At the age of seven, Chun Pei Lan went to the temple with her mother, hoping that their family could live happily together. However, fate had other plans as Chun Pei Lan's father met with an unfortunate incident. >>read more

Episode 2: Lu Bu Ping became a free servant in the Chun family.

Du Ru Yu, accompanied by her daughter Chun Jin Rong, was preparing to leave, but the servants at Lin Yuan Wai's mansion demanded gifts. Du Ru Yu explained to her family that she wasn't there to attend the wedding, but a few servants mistook her for a freeloader and asked her to leave. However, upon hearing the commotion, Du Ru Yu returned to argue that she wasn't there to freeload. >>read more

Episode 3: Chun Ke Ling meets Si Huang Zi.

Lu Bu Ping and Chun Pei Lan. In order to prevent Chun Ban Xia from causing trouble, they can only find a way to make Shi Shu (referring to Lu Bu Ping) stay. However, he insists on leaving for Du Ruo Lan (referring to Chun Pei Lan) and both of them are worried. Chun Pei Lan decides to seek help from her elder sister, Chun Jin Rong. At first, Chun Jin Rong is not willing to agree because it was Du Ruo Lan's decision. Chun Pei Lan suggests that Shi Shu pays rent, which would give Chun Jin Rong some extra pocket money. Hearing that she can earn more money, Chun Jin Rong agrees and persuades Du Ruo Lan to let Shi Shu stay. >>read more

Episode 4: Chun Jin Rong is trying to make money everywhere.

After hearing the imperial edict, Shi Zi believed that Li Teng Yun's predictions were very accurate, as he had accurately predicted the arrival of a benefactor for Shi Zi. Immediately, Shi Zi had someone summon Li Teng Yun to their home, hoping that Li Teng Yun could continue to provide fortune-telling services and entertain Si Huang Zi. However, Li Teng Yun was afraid when he heard this because he knew that he had been completely deceiving them. >>read more

Episode 5: Chun Ke Ling secretly took Si Huang Zi to steal weapons.

Pei Lan was doing laundry while Lu Bu Ping sat nearby, eating fruit and enjoying himself. Pei Lan didn't say anything, but Du Ru Yu, seeing her daughter doing the laundry while Lu Bu Ping leisurely ate fruit, became very angry. Du Ru Yu approached them and took her daughter away, instructing Lu Bu Ping to do the laundry and demanding that it be finished quickly. >>read more

Episode 6: A Si lingered in Chun Mansion, causing Lu Bu Ping to feel jealous and competitive.

Pei Lan brought chicken soup to Lu Bu Ping, and it was a heartwarming sight to see Lu Bu Ping enjoying the soup. Just then, a hand reached out, and it turned out to be Du Ru Yu. Si Huang Zi arrived at Du Ru Yu's house, still hiding his identity, but he won Du Ru Yu's affection and she treated him very well. Shi Zi also found his way to Du Ru Yu's house. >>read more

Episode 7: Lu Bu Ping ate poisonous mushrooms and mistook Pei Lan for his wife.

Chun Jin Rong became infatuated with Shi Zi as soon as he arrived at their house. Lu Bu Ping, who was intoxicated and unclear in his mind, referred to Pei Lan as his wife in front of everyone. Ling and Shi Zi, who had a feud, became extremely jealous of each other when they met. Shi Zi lied and claimed that Si Huang Zi was his younger brother, hoping for reconciliation, but Ling remained stubborn and ended up hitting Shi Zi. >>read more

Episode 8: Guo Zhensheng's heart is tied to Ru Yu, unwilling to leave.

While sweeping the yard, Lu Buping reminisced about the time he was poisoned and how Pei Lan tearfully expressed her deep affection for him. Lu Buping was overjoyed by this memory. When he saw Guo Zhensheng, he casually asked about Pei Lan's whereabouts. Guo Zhensheng informed him that Ru Yu had taken Pei Lan for a blind date. Hearing this, Lu Buping felt a sinking feeling in his heart and curiously asked why she was going on a blind date. Guo Zhensheng replied that it was not unusual since Pei Lan was such a good girl and finding a worthy husband was normal. Guo Zhensheng was currently busy with his business at the pharmacy when a middle-aged man hurriedly approached him. Upon learning that he was Guo Zhensheng, the man immediately bowed and paid his respects. >>read more

Episode 9: Chun Fu Celebrates Pei Lan's Birthday, Li Teng Yun's Misguided Ideas Backfire

Today, Pei Lan woke up early and sat by the window, meticulously getting ready. She felt joyous because it was her birthday. After tidying herself up, Pei Lan washed a lot of peaches, which was her birthday tradition. Once she finished washing the peaches, she called everyone over to eat them. She specifically asked Lu Bu Ping to come and eat first. However, just as Lu Bu Ping was about to pick up a peach, Du Ru Yu arrived and scolded Lu Bu Ping for slacking off, frightening him into grabbing a broom. Du Ru Yu asked Pei Lan to find Chun Jin Rong without realizing that it was Pei Lan's birthday. Pei Lan couldn't help but feel disappointed. >>read more

Episode 10: Chun Ban Xia takes charge, chaos ensues. Si Huang Zi's confession scares Ke Ling away.

The neighbor, Aunt Xu, came over for a visit while Du Ru Yu was chatting with her. They discussed their children, and Du Ru Yu praised Aunt Xu's daughter, saying she was smart and had a good business sense. Aunt Xu noticed that Ban Xia was busy and praised her, saying that Ban Xia was even better, knowledgeable in medicine and well-mannered. Du Ru Yu humbly said not to mention her, as she was stubborn every day. When Ban Xia heard this, she was unhappy and directly told her mother not to involve her in their conversation. Du Ru Yu felt that Ban Xia had not given her face in front of Aunt Xu and became angry, accusing Ban Xia impolitely. Seeing the mother and daughter arguing, Aunt Xu quickly made an excuse to leave and went home to cook. >>read more

Episode 11: Shi Zi pays to repair Chun Fu as proof of innocence.

Li Teng Yun rushed back to report to Shi Zi that he had set fire to Chun Fu and begged for forgiveness. However, Shi Zi refused to believe that Li Teng Yun had the audacity to start the fire. Just then, his subordinate came to report that Chun Fu was on fire. Seeing the devastated state of her home, Du Ru Yu couldn't help but cry bitterly, sitting on the ground in disappointment. Neighbors from the street rushed to help, and they carried out a person covered in soot. Ke Ling thought it was A Si and hurried to rescue him. Shi Zi arrived with Li Teng Yun and saw Chun Fu in ruins. He gritted his teeth and angrily said to Li Teng Yun, "How dare you set fire to it! If there's any loss of life, I'll make sure you pay for it." >>read more

Episode 12: Shi Zi and Li Teng Yun were thrown into a dungeon.

Pei Lan woke up and saw two maids standing by her window, which startled her. The maids were attentive in serving her for dressing and grooming, but Chun Pei Lan couldn't enjoy such service. Lu Bu Ping was preparing to sweep the floor with a broom when he noticed a servant already cleaning. Every move and technique showed that the servant was skilled. Lu Bu Ping recognized that the servant was using the Cross Swordsmanship of the prestigious Wei Feng Dart Bureau. He approached the servant and requested a sparring match. However, the servant remained modest and seemed to be concealing his true abilities. >>read more

Episode 13: Li Teng Yun escaped from the dungeon with Shi Zi

After Xin, the steward, and his group left, the grand Shi Zi Mansion appeared empty. Du Ru Yu looked at the vacant space and thought it would be a waste to leave it idle, so she considered using it for farming. Jin Rong still missed the bustling scene of servants when Xin, the steward, was around. Some social elites' family members had applied several times to meet Du Ru Yu, but she felt it wasn't necessary. Jin Rong advised her to adapt to their current life and reminded her that now that they were living in the Shi Zi Mansion, they were seen as important figures in the eyes of others. Therefore, it was understandable that some noblewomen wanted to get close to Du Ru Yu. Given their current situation, there was no harm in getting to know a few more noble ladies. >>read more

Episode 14: Lu Bu Ping found a way to host a banquet for the noble ladies.

Lu Bu Ping found a way to host a banquet for the noble ladies. Shi Zi and Li Teng Yun discussed whether to return to the Ling Wang Mansion. The steward, upon seeing them, led them to meet the Ling Wang. The Ling Wang was furious upon seeing them, as they dared to run away. Shi Zi appeared submissive and willing to accept punishment. No matter how the Ling Wang scolded him, Shi Zi remained obedient, not only displaying a good attitude but also requesting that only he be punished, claiming that Li Teng Yun knew nothing and should be allowed to leave. >>read more

Episode 15: Shi Zi tested Chun Jin Rong, and Guo Zhen Sheng comforted the four sisters with all his heart.

Shi Zi got drunk on his birthday, and the next day he had a slight headache, but when he remembered his and Jin Rong's affectionate moments, he felt sweet inside. Li Teng Yun brought porridge for Shi Zi, and Shi Zi casually asked about the events of the previous day. Li Teng Yun, cunning as ever, claimed to have also drunk too much and didn't remember anything. >>read more

Episode 16: Lu Jiang came to Chun Mansion to find his son, Lu Buping, and Guo Zhensheng sympathized with him.

The Chun family moved back to their own house. Yao Wen and Yao Wu helped Ke Ling tidy up the room and found a purse that Si Huangzi had given her. This reminded Ke Ling of Si Huangzi. Pei Lan went out to buy vegetables and suddenly saw the thug who had robbed her before walking ahead. It was the same person that Lu Buping had struck down with a stick. If he hadn't died, then Lu Buping wouldn't have committed murder and wouldn't need to hide and run. To confirm if it was the same person, Pei Lan followed him closely and called out to him to confirm. >>read more

Episode 17: Lu Jiang discovered that Guo Zhen Sheng had left, while Li Teng Yun was severely injured while trying to save Pei Lan.

Guo Zhen Sheng was meditating in his room when he overheard Lu Jiang and Du Ru Yu talking outside. Lu Jiang wanted to take Lu Bu Ping and leave the Chun family, but Du Ru Yu was desperately trying to persuade him to stay until he recovered. When Guo Zhen Sheng went out, Du Ru Yu asked him to fetch some ginseng from the medicine room, as she wanted to make a tonic soup for Lu Jiang. Guo Zhen Sheng refused outright, but Du Ru Yu commanded him to retrieve it. Guo Zhen Sheng turned and left, while Du Ru Yu told Lu Jiang that something seemed off with Guo Zhen Sheng these past few days and advised him not to follow in his footsteps. >>read more

Episode 18: Chun Ban Xia found a wallet, Lu Bu Ping and Li Teng Yun made up.

Lu Bu Ping was cleaning the courtyard when Du Ru Yu came and asked him to gather everyone in the front yard, saying that there was a guest coming. When Lu Bu Ping went to call Pei Lan, he found her embroidering. He guessed that she was embroidering for him and felt extremely happy. Everyone gathered in the front yard, not knowing which guest Du Ru Yu was welcoming, making it feel so ceremonial. >>read more

Episode 19: Fourth Prince, Xiang Kelin, confesses his feelings to her.

Ban Xia noticed a young man standing outside the door and called her mother over to inquire about the situation. The man introduced himself as Shen Wangyan and stated that he came to seek refuge with Mr. Zheng. Du Ruyu informed him that Mr. Zheng had already sold the house to them. >>read more

Episode 20: Prince Ling disagreed with Shi Zi and Jin Rong's relationship

Chun Ban Xia was studying when she overheard a conversation between Shen Wang Yan and Du Ru Yu. Shen Wang Yan complimented Du Ru Yu on her youthful appearance, which made her naturally happy. Shen Wang Yan informed Du Ru Yu that a wealthy family had already approached him to be their retainer. >>read more

Episode 21: Hu Na Na came to find Guo Zhen Sheng while the Chun family members were watching the play separately.

At this moment, the city of Linjiang was particularly lively, with people coming and going on the streets. There was a long queue in front of the Chunjiang Tower, and everyone was buying tickets. Lu Bu Ping was also in the queue. He had sneaked out and was worried about being discovered by the Chun family. Pei Lan came back with a lot of things, and Du Ru Yu quickly came out to take them. She asked where Lu Bu Ping went, and Pei Lan made an excuse, saying that Brother Lu wasn't feeling well today. >>read more

Episode 22: Si Huang Zi confessed his identity to Chun Jia, and Li Teng Yun was hired as a substitute husband for Shi Zi.

Yao Wen and Yao Wu were furious with Ke Ling for deceiving them in order to go on a date with the Fourth Prince, causing them to work tirelessly all day. However, they were curious about the development of Ke Ling's relationship with the Fourth Prince and kept asking her about it. Ke Ling became angry and chased after the two of them, but at that moment, the Fourth Prince arrived. >>read more

Episode 23: Prince hosts a banquet for the Guo family, but trouble arises, and the Chun family suffers.

Early in the morning, Du Ruyu discovers a lantern that has fallen to the ground under the eaves. She grabs a ladder to hang it back up but nearly falls. Fortunately, Ke Ling arrives in time and supports her, swiftly hanging the lantern back up. However, they find that the lantern falls again. At that moment, Wang Gong Gong enters with his subordinates and announces that he will take Ke Ling to the palace to meet the Dowager. >>read more

Ending 24: Lu Bu Ping and Pei Lan found happiness together. Chun Ban Xia's medical skills were highly sought after and he was offered a high salary.

Pei Lan was busy in the kitchen when Lu Bu Ping came to help. Despite Pei Lan's objections, Lu Bu Ping volunteered to pick vegetables. However, he ended up picking more than half of the bundle of greens because he heard Pei Lan say that only the tender ones were needed. Pei Lan had to redo the work. When Pei Lan mentioned that the radishes should be diced, Lu Bu Ping cut all the radish pieces into the shape of the Chinese character "丁" (ding). Pei Lan couldn't help but admire Lu Bu Ping's talent. >>read more