Episode 9 recap: Xiao Yan battles Yunlan Sect, and Han Feng kills Xiao Zhan with a sneak attack.

Xiao Yan asks Xun Er to rest while he intensifies his training with the Three-Colored Heavenly Flames. However, he fails once again, leaving him frustrated. Yao Chen encourages him from within the ring, explaining that the imbalance of energy between the Bone Spirit Cold Fire and the Heavenly Flame of the Glass Heart is inevitable during fusion. Nonetheless, Xiao Yan has already gained complete control over the two Heavenly Flames, and the Three-Colored Heavenly Flame is his ultimate weapon. The two Heavenly Flames are enough to deal with Yun Shan.

Determined to bring his father back no matter what, Xiao Yan expresses his gratitude to Yao Chen for his trust and support. Yao Chen assures him that justice is on their side, and Xiao Yan will undoubtedly succeed. Yun Shan arrives at the prison cell, and Xiao Zhan senses that Yun Shan has surpassed the strength of a Dou Zong expert. Yun Shan arrogantly mentions that Yunlan Sect and Wu Tan City were once on good terms, but Xiao Yan repeatedly provoked them without knowing his own limitations. Yun Shan believes he has every reason to annihilate the Xiao family.

Xiao Zhan reveals the words that Yun Shan least wants to hear, pointing out that they underestimated Xiao Yan, thinking that he had no chance of winning without Dou Qi. They set up a supposedly foolproof trap, but Xiao Yan defeated them, leaving Yun Shan humiliated and seeking revenge against the Xiao family. Now that Yun Shan has captured Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan pleads for Xiao Yan's release. However, Yun Shan proudly declares that it is too late. Someone has targeted Xiao Yan, and both Xiao Zhan and Yun Shan are unable to contend with this adversary.

Xiao Zhan sarcastically remarks that Yun Shan's status as a Dou Zong expert is questionable and believes that his ruthless extermination of the Xiao family goes against the principles of the sect. Enraged, Yun Shan tortures Xiao Zhan, causing him to scream in agony. Xiao Yan enters the tent and gazes at Xun Er's sleeping face. He is filled with determination and gently holds her hand, silently expressing that he never wants Xun Er to leave his side. However, this time is different. He cannot allow Xun Er to endanger herself by staying with him. Xiao Yan passionately kisses her goodbye, then turns and leaves the tent, soaring towards Yunlan Sect.

Arriving above Yunlan Sect, Xiao Yan is filled with rage. He lands firmly in the square in front of Yunlan Sect and shouts loudly, "Xiao Yan from Wu Tan City has come to challenge Yunlan Sect!" When Xun Er wakes up in the morning, she doesn't find Xiao Yan and frantically searches for him, but he is nowhere to be found in the vast desert. At that moment, Gu Yao appears and informs her that Xiao Yan has gone to Yunlan Sect alone. Seeing Gu Yao there, Xun Er understands that they had planned this together.

Yun Shan's sect had long been prepared and eagerly awaited Xiao Yan's arrival. The enemies locked eyes, and Xiao Yan charged straight at Yun Shan, who was equally determined to win. Their battle unfolded on the ground and in the air, a fierce and intense clash. Yun Shan, confident in his status as a Dou Zong expert, didn't take Xiao Yan seriously, but Xiao Yan unleashed his two-colored flames, rendering Yun Shan unable to defend himself.

Hidden in the shadows, Mu Gu secretly aided Yun Shan, increasing the pressure on Xiao Yan. Despite successfully activating the Three-Colored Flame, Xiao Yan still couldn't defeat Yun Shan. Yao Chen combined his Bone Spirit Cold Fire with Xiao Yan's flames, creating a devastating force that shattered the earth and sky. Finally, Yun Shan met his deserved end.

Seeing the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Mu Gu felt overjoyed. He provocatively called out for Yao Chen to come forward. Yao Chen emerged from his spatial ring, revealing himself to be both Mu Gu's former martial brother and current enemy. Yao Chen commanded Xiao Yan to rescue Xiao Zhan, and Xiao Yan broke the shackles to free his heavily injured father. However, Han Feng, who had been hiding in the shadows, launched a sneak attack on Xiao Yan. In order to protect Xiao Yan, Xiao Zhan took the full force of Han Feng's blow, immediately spitting blood and collapsing to the ground.

Xiao Yan helped his father sit against a wall. Xiao Zhan, struggling to speak, began to explain their family's history. He revealed that the Xiao family originated from the Central Plains but fell into decline due to a battle with the Soul Hall. They were forced to settle and survive in the Wu Tan City of the Gamma Empire. Xiao Yan was destined to become the patriarch of the Xiao family, as he possessed extraordinary abilities bestowed by the heavens. His purpose was to save those in distress, and he must never let hatred blind his judgment. Xiao Zhan particularly emphasized the importance of protecting the ancient jade, as it held the secrets of the Xiao family. With these final words, Xiao Zhan closed his eyes, bidding farewell to the world.

Tears streaming down his face, Xiao Yan carefully absorbed every word, gently closing his father's eyes with his hand. Xun Er, witnessing Xiao Zhan's passing, couldn't hold back her tears and threw herself onto his body, sobbing uncontrollably. It was only today that she finally called Xiao Zhan "father," but sadly, he would never hear it again.