We Go Fast on Trust

Plot Synopsis

Since childhood, Chen Mobai has seen racing as his lifelong dream. However, in the eyes of his family, he was just an unreliable joke until he met Shen Xi, an engineer who was equally determined to achieve their life dreams. Chen Mobai, with hispassion and trust, helped Shen Xi overcome a lowpoint in life. Despite their contrastingpersonalities, they shared the same aspirations and became the bestpartners, developing a sincere bond through their collaboration.

Where to Watch "We Go Fast on Trust"

MGTV SubscriptionViki (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Zhao Ying Ning

Zhao Ying Ning
(Chen Mi Qi)

Chen Mo Bai

Chen Mo Bai
(Zhai Zi Lu)

Shen Xi

Shen Xi
(Ke Jia Yan)

Lin Shao Qian

Lin Shao Qian
(Li Zhu Xian)