
Plot Synopsis

"Bionic" tells the story of the rapid development of androids, which raises concerns among thepublic. The organization known as "Bright Eyes" is responsible for handling cases involving androids, and it is a story where the destinies of humans and androids are quietly rewritten.

In the year 2035, androids that are indistinguishable from humans have causedpublic concedue to their rapid development. The "Bright Eyes" organization specializes in handling cases related to androids. Cheng Nuo, a member of the organization, is level-headed, while An Qiu is skilled in empathy. Faced with the continuous harm suffered by androids, the two join forces to unravel the mysteries. Amidst the complexities of life, the Bionic emerges. The destinies of humans and androids are both being quietly rewritten...

Where to Watch "Bionic"

iQIYI Subscription

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Luo Li

Luo Li
(Tao Hui)

Shen Li

Shen Li
(Lv Yu Lai)

Wan Guo Feng

Wan Guo Feng
(Zu Feng)

Xu Yi Nian

Xu Yi Nian
(Chen Yu Mi)