Episode 1 recap: The funeral suddenly came back to life, shocking everyone.

The funeral suddenly came back to life, shocking everyone.Qi Chunjiao was originally a throwing athlete, but she faced retirement due to a broken arm. Her father's last wish was for her to stand on the podium, so she wanted to continue competing despite her arm injury. However, the team doctor told her that the fracture was not healing well and that she would need a long rehabilitation period before being able to compete again.

Chunjiao's mother felt that the golden years for an athlete were limited, and she urged Chunjiao to return to training and compete, and even asked the doctor to provide a certificate allowing her to do so. But the doctor said he could not issue such a certificate. Chunjiao also told her mother not to put the doctor in a difficult position, and that she had already decided to retire. Upon hearing this, her mother accused her of making her father sad if he knew. Chunjiao angrily argued with her mother, saying her father had passed away and that she should not use his wish to morally blackmail her. During their argument, a plaque on the door fell down, and Chunjiao pushed her mother away, only to be struck by the plaque herself. When she regained consciousness, she found herself at Gu Qingqiao's funeral.

Chunjiao had transmigrated into Gu Qingqiao's body. The doctor had already checked her pulse and said she had no heartbeat, so the Gu family had already dressed her and prepared for the funeral. But suddenly, she sat up from the coffin, shocking everyone. Chunjiao thought she was on a film set and asked the maid Dongxi for a phone to call her mother, but Dongxi said she didn't know what that was. Seeing her unfamiliar clothing, Chunjiao thought she was on a film set. Her "father" Gu Xingmu told her he knew she was unwilling to leave him, but she did not recognize anyone here and thought they were strangers trying to trick her. It was only then that she realized she had transmigrated into the past. She found the ancient clothing uncomfortable and quickly changed, wanting to go out and take a look. However, many people were blocking the door and wouldn't let her leave. She sternly scolded them not to stop her.

Once outside, she saw there were no cameras or film crew, finally confirming that she had indeed transmigrated. She then searched the manor for a time portal, wanting to find a way to return. Since there was no barbecue or beer in ancient times, Gu Qingqiao roasted meat skewers with Dongxi in the courtyard. She found the courtyard was very large but no one was around. Dongxi told her it was because she was in poor health, so her father didn't allow the servants to disturb her. And now that she had suddenly revived from the coffin and couldn't remember anything, everyone thought she was strange and didn't dare approach her.

The butler came to tell Gu Qingqiao that Gu Xingmu had suddenly fallen ill. Gu Qingqiao immediately said to call a doctor and rushed to see him. Gu Xingmu told her he had made a vow to pray for her health, and now that she was well, he wanted to go fulfill that vow. Seeing his condition, Gu Qingqiao said she would go to the Upper Clarity Temple to pray on his behalf.

She heard that lighting the first incense on the first day of the month at the temple was extremely auspicious, so she wanted to try to light the first incense and see if there was a way for her to be reborn.

While staying at the temple, she saw people chasing a fugitive, and was excited to witness real martial arts. But to her surprise, the fugitive threw a roof tile at her when he saw her, so she angrily threw a copper mirror at the assassin, knocking him down.

Gu Qingqiao rushed into the temple and obtained the first incense. She drew a white talisman, and a Zen master told her that she was from another world. She asked about her mother's current condition, and the Zen master said her family was fine, just like her family in this world. He also told her she was a fated, extraordinary star, and that if she could find the Four Spirits, she could break through the boundaries of time and space to return to her original world.

Duan Yuixiang's group failed to light the first incense and got beaten up, angrily returning. On the way, they encountered the prefect's daughter Ruoyun, and Duan Shi developed a fondness for her.

On her way back, Gu Qingqiao's carriage was stopped for an inspection to catch the fugitive. Someone intervened and ordered her not to get out, but the inspectors insisted she had to as she was a merchant's daughter. Gu Qingqiao subdued the fugitive, only to realize it was the same person who had thrown the roof tile at her before.